
Stomach & duodenum

Barium meal Fluoroscopy + spot films Preparation

The Normal Anatomy of Stomach 1- Shape. 2-Size. 3-Site. 4-Anatomical parts. 5-Mucosal pattern.

Normal Anatomy of Duodenum Duodenal cap. Duodenal loop

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis Cause: A. Congenital type B. Adult type

Radiographic Ba meal examination of the Pyloric stenosis 1. Marked dilatation of the stomach attends the pelvic cavity 2.Failure of passage of contrast into the duodenum. 3.Multiple filing defects are seen within the stomach due to retained food material .

Barium meal image of a case of corrosive-induced gastric outlet obstruction benign narrowing

PEPTIC ULCER GU, DU and IU. The Ba. meal findings are : 1-Direct signs : * Ulcer crater ( nitch): Either in enface or in profile * Associated signs: I. Spasm II. Radiated mucosal folds. III. Edema (Hampton's line). 2- Indirect signs : I. Hyper peristaltic waves. II. Companion B sign. III. Thick mucosal folds & hyper peristaltic stomach (angry mucosa)

Radiographic Signs of a benign gastric ulcer Ulcer crater-collection of barium on dependent surface which usually projects beyond anticipated wall of stomach in profile (penetration)Hampton’s line-1 mm thin straight line at neck of ulcer in profile view which represents the thin rim of undermined gastric mucosa

3- Ulcerative Ca Either : I.Polypoidal tumour with ulceration or II. Complicated benign gastric ulcer on Ba. Meal : * Filling defect with central ulcer crater * No mucosal radiation , due to destruction . * The ulcer crater is not projected out side the lumen ( meniscus sign ) * Hour glass deformity ( X ) of stomach

Complicated Chronic DU 1-Tri foil deformity ( tri foil tree ) 2-Pseudo diverticulum (Akerland diverticulum) 3-Gastric outlet obstruction.( pyloric obstruction ).

During Ba examination � Bird's Beak deformity of lower oesophagus - Achalsia cardia (Barium Swallow)� Cork screw oesophagus-- Diffuse oesophageal spasm (Barium Swallow)� Commonest radiologicalappearance of gastric � Trifoliate duodenum - Chronic duodenal ulcer with scarring (Barium Meal)� Hour Glass stomach - Peptic ulcer� Single-bubble appearance - pyloric stenosis� Double-bubble sign--Duodenal atresia, duodenal stenosis, � Triple-bubble sign - Jejunal atresia� Coiled spring appearance -Intussusception

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