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o  The primary function of the lower limb 

is to 

support the weight of the body


to provide a stable foundation in 
standing, walking & running.



o  They have become specialized for 



o  The lower limbs although similar in 

structure in many aspect to the upper 
limbs ,have 

less freedom of movement.



o  Where as the pectoral girdle of the 

upper limb is united to the trunk by 
only a small joint , 

the sternoclavicular 


 , the two hip bones articulate 

posteriorly with the trunk at 

the strong sacroiliac joint & anteriorly 

with each other at the symphysis pubis.



is that the lower limbs are 




can bear the weight of the body


during standing ,walking&running. 



Gluteal region 











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o  Lies behind thepelvis , is bounded 

superiorly by the iliac crest


inferiorly by the fold of the buttock.



o  It is largely made up of the 

gluteal muscles 

and  a 

thick layer of 

superficial fascia

 which overlies the (muscles ,nerves & vessels) 

which leaving the inside of the pelvis and passing to the lower limb. 




o  The 

panniculus adiposus

 is well developed in the gluteal region and 

gives to the buttock its characteristic convexity. 


o  The 

fold of the buttock

 is the transverse skin crease for the 

hip joint


& is not caused by the oblique lower border of the gluteus m.  


o  The blood supply of the skin & fat


is derived from perforating 

branches of the 

superior & inferior gluteal arteries.




o  Lymphatic driange :  drain into of the superficial inguinal 

lymph node


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o  are derived from 

posterior & anterior rami 

of spinal nerves as 


Upper medial quadrant  Post.rami of :  

upper 3 lumbar Ns 
upper 3 sacral Ns. 

Lower medial quadrant  post cut. N. of the thigh (S1,2,3 ant.rami) 

Upper lateral quadrant  lat.brach of iliohypogastric L1,T12 


Lower lateral  quadrant  lat. Cut. N. of the thigh. (L2,3 ant.rami) 

The skin over the coccyx 
in the floor of the natal 

is supplied by small branches of the lower 
Sacral & Coccygeal nerves. 



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o  Is continuous below with the 

deep fascia or fascia lata of the thigh.



o  In the gluteal region it 


 to enclose the 

gluteus maximus m



o  Above it continues as a 

single layer

 that cover the outer surface of 


 and is attached to the iliac crest. 

o  On the lat.surface of the thigh the fascia is thickened to form a 

strong wide band the 

iliotibial tract



o  This is attached above to the tubercle of the 

iliac crest

 and below to 


lateral condyle of the tibia


o  The iliotibial tract form a sheath for the 

tensor fascia lata m.


receive the 

greater part of insertion of the gluteus maximus





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1- Gluteus maximus. 
2- Gluteus medius. 
3- Gluteus minimus. 
4- Tensor fasciae latae. 
5- (Short) lateral rotaters of the thigh at the hip joint 




Gemellus superior 


Gemellus inferior 


Obturator internus 


Quadratus femoris      




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o  Is the most superficial of the group.  
o  It is a large flat quadrilateral forming the prominence of the 



From an  extensive area including :  


the gluteal surface of the ilium behind the posterior gluteal line 


the post. surface of the sacrum , coccyx & sacrotuberous ligament. 


The fibers pass downward & laterally into the 

iliotibial tract 3/4



gluteal tuberosity of the femur 1/4



Inferior gluteal n. 

1- it is a 

powerful lateral rotater & extensor

 of the hip joint.  

2- acting through the iliotibial tract it 

extend & stabilize  the knee joint




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 from the 

outer edge of the iliac crest

 between the ant.sup.iliac 

spine & the iliac tubercle. 


 to the iliotibial tract. 


: sup.gluteal n. 


: extent & stabilise the knee joint. 



gluteal surface of the ilium


middle & post. 

gluteal line. 

 lateral surface of greater trochanter. 


gluteal surface of the ilium


middle & inferior

 gluteal line. 


 anterior border of the greater 



 sup.gluteal n. 



o  powerful abductors at the hip joint  
o  weak medial rotators at the hip. 


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o  The muscles contract and steady the pelvis on the lower limb. 


o  When the foot of the opposite side is taken off the ground and 

thrust foreword , the pelvis is held in position and does not tilt 
downward on the unsupported side. 


The gluteus maximus lies behind the hip joint and overlies ; gluteal 
muscles , short lateral rotaters of the hip and structures that passed 
through the greater and lesser sciatic foramen. 



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o  is produced by the 

sacro-spinous lig.

 bridging the greater sciatic 

notch in the hip bone. 


o  The foramen is the 

only conduit between

 the pelvic cavity and  the 



o  Number of structures emerge from the pelvis in to the gluteal 

region above or below the piriformis muscle in the greater sciatic 

o  The greater sciatic foramen is a major  


 of the 






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 It is bounded as follows: 

Anterolaterally    the 

greater sciatic notch

 of the 



Posteromedially   the 

sacrotuberous ligament




sacrospinous ligament

 and the 

ischial spine




anterior sacroilliac ligament.


o  It is partially filled up , by the 


 which leaves the pelvis 

through it. 

o  The following structures make their exit from the pelvis through 

the greater sciatic foramen. 



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o  pass upward and lateraly between 

gluteus medius & minimus  


o  supplying these 

muscles and tensor fascia lata.


o  The artery takes part in the  anastomosis around the hip.  
o  It is branch of internal iliac artery. 


o  It is the largest nerve in the body (L4,5.S1,2,3) . 
o  emerge 


 to the ischial spine and lies successively on  


the root of the ischial spine , 


superior gemellus m. , 


obturater intrenus m. , 


inferior gemellus m. , 


quadratusfemoris m.  

o  To reach the back of the 

adductor magnus.


o  It is related posteriorly to the 


 of the thigh and the 

gluteus maximus.


o  It lies about mid-way between the ischial tuberosity and the 

greater trochanter. 

o  It leaves the buttock region by 

passing deep to the long head of 

the biceps femoris

 to enter the back of the thigh. 

The sciatic no branches

 in the gluteal region. 


The nerve is sometimes injured by :  

o  penetrating wounds pelvis 
o  dislocation of the hip joint 
o  badly placed intramuscular injection in the gluteal region 


The injection should be placed in the 

upper outer quadrant 


the buttock



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     After a short course enter the 

substance of gluteus maximus.


o  Ramifies in the lower part of the buttock and take part in an 

anastomosis around the hip joint.  

o  It is branch of internal iliac A. 

o  They cross the ischial spine and immediately re-enter the pelvis 

through the lesser sciatic foramen , they then lie in the 
ischiorectal fossa. 



the pudendal N. supplies stractures in the perineum.  


The the obturater internus supplies the obturater internus 
m.on its pelvic surface. 


o  A branch of the sacral plexus cross the root of the ischial spine 

deep to the sciatic N.and the tendon of obturater internus . 

o  It supply qudratus femoris and inferior gemellus. 



o  Emerge superficial to the sciatic n.and descend in the midline of 

the thigh beneath the deep fascia. 

o  it supplies the skin of the buttock , perineum and post.aspect of 

the thigh. 


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o  An opening between the 


 and the posterior thigh 

o  Lies between 

Sacrotuberous and Sacrospinous ligament



o  Is bounded 


by the 

concave part of the ischium

 that lies 

between the ischial spine and ischial tuberosity. 

o  The

 obturator internus m.

 as it emerges from the 

lateral wall

 of the 

pelvis, plugs the lateral part of the foramen. 

o  The 

medial part 

of the foramen form a 

tunnel shaped orfice


leads foreward into 

pudendal canal.




o  The 

internal pudendal vessels and nerve

 enter the foramen from 

the buttock and directed into the canal.  


The lesser sciatic foramen has the following boundaries:



tuberosity of the ischium




sacrotuberous ligament




spine of the ischium


sacrospinous ligament




the concave part

 of the ischium that lies between the  

ischial spine and ischial tuberosity 

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 It transmits the following structures:

o  the tendon of the Obturator



o  internal pudendal



o  internal  pudendal vein 
o  pudendal nerve  
o  nerve to the obturator internus 




 from the ant. Surface of the 2




 and 4


 Sacral vertebrae 

within the pelvis. 


 the fibers pass downward and laterally through the 


sciatic foramen

 and are attached to the 

upper border of the 

greater trochanter.



 ant. Rami of  the 1


 and 2


 Sacral nerves. 

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spine of the ischium. the obturater internus. 


 upper margin of the ischial tuberosity   

 with the tendon of the obturater internus. the quadratus femoris from sacral plexus. 


 from the pelvic surface of the obturater membrane and the 

surrounding bones. 

the tendon pass through the lesser sciatic foramen and is 

joined by the tendon of sup.& inf.gemelli.The common 
tendon is inserted into the upper border of the greater 


 from the lateral border of the ischial tuberosity. 

 quadrate tubercle on the intertrochanteric crest of the  



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o  Is a synovial joint of the ball and socket variety between the 

acetabulum of the hip bone and the head of the femur. 


o  The articular surface of the acetabulum is inverted u shaped being 

deficient inferiorly at the acetabular notch. 


o  The acetabulum is cupped and depened by the acetabular labrum, a 

rim of fibrocartilage attached to its borders . 


o  bridging the acetabular notch is the transverse acetabular ligament.   

o  strong and dense, attached 



 to the acetabular labrum and the edge of the 




 it is attached to the femur along the intertrochanteric 

line infront and to the neck 1 cm above the intertrochanteric 
crest from behind. 


o  some of the capsular fibres turn back medially along the neck and 

are known as retincula,they carry blood vessels toward the head 


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is a strong inverted v shaped attached above to the A.I.I.S. and 
bifuricating inferiorly gain attachment to each end of the 
intertroghanteric line. 

passes from iliopubic eminence to the lower part  of the capsule and 
under surface of the neck. 

passes upward from the acetabular margin to the upper end of the 
intertroghanteric line and the adjacent upper surface of the neck. 
The three ligaments are spiral in such away as to limit extension at the 




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passes from the fovea to the articular notch .it is lax may contain some 
vessel of special importance in the child. 




o  the synovial membrane lines the nonarticular surface of the joint 

and ensheath the ligamentum teres. 


o  The cavity of the joint communicate with the psoas bursa between 

the iliofemoraland pubofemoral lig. 



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The hip joint is capable of : 

flexion , extension , abduction , adduction , circumduction , medial and 
lateral rotation.

o  In the anatomical position the line of weight passes behind the axis 

of the joint and so gravity encourage extension of the joint. 


iliopsoas , assisted by tensor fascia lata,rectus femoris , Sartorius , 


the movement is limited to about 

90 degree

 when the knee is flexed 

and is much less when the knee is extended because of 

tension in the 

hamstring muscles


gluteus maximus , assisted by gravity , hamstringand tensor fascia lata. 


limited by 3 capsular thickening. 


gluteus medius and minimus. 


adductor ms. Of the thigh , gracilis and gravity. 


Occur around an axis joining the center of the head of the femor to the 
intercondylar notch of the femur. 

ant fibres of gluteus medius and minimus assisted by the iliopsoas. 

Short lateral rotaters assisted by glut.maximus 

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In spite of its great mobility it is very stable because : 

1- deep cup of the acetabular clasping the femoral head. 
2- strong capsule and its thickening particularly iliofemoral lig. 
3- large no. of closely applied short articular muscles. 


Branches of femoral,obturater and sciatic n. 



o  Three associated with glut.maximus  

1- between tendon of insertion and the greater trochanter. 
2- between tendon of insertion and vast.lateralis. 
3- overlying the ischial tuberosity 


o  Psoas bursa



separate the iliopsoas tendon from the iliac fossa and 
supr.pubic ramus. 


it may communicate with the cavity of the hip joint between 
the iliofemoral and pubofemoral lig. 



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iliopsoas,pectineus separate the joint from the femoral vessels 

and nerve.

piriformis,obturater internus,quadratus femoris separate the 

joint from the sciatic n. and gluteus maximus.

gluteus minimus and reflected head of rectus femoris


obturator externus.



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synovial membrane 

are supllied from nearby 






intracapsular part of the neck

 receive their blood 

supply from two sources

ligament of the head

 contains  an arterial twig from the 

obturater artery

,this vessel supplies the head in the young 

bone. As age advanced it will supply only thin flake of bone. 



 part of the head is supplied by 

arteries in the 


which bind down the nuterient arteries that pass 

chiefly from the 

trochanteric anastomosis

 along the neck of the 




Fracture of the femoral neck within the capsular attachment 
necessarily rupture the 

retincular fibers 

and the 



avascular necrosis of the head. 


This provides the main source of blood supply of the head of the 
femur. It lies near the 

trochanteric  fossa

. It is formed by anastomosis 

of : 


1- descending branch of sup. gluteal A. 
2- ascending branches of both lat. and med. femoral circumflex As. 
3- inferior gluteal A. 


Branches from the anastomosis pass along the femoral neck beneath 
the retincular fibres of the capsule. 

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Is situated at the level of the 

lesser trochanter

 of the femur. 

Together with the trochanteric anastomosis provide a connection 

internal iliac and femoral arteries

 It is formed by 

anastomosis of : 


1- Inf. gluteal A. 
2- Transverse branch of medial circumflex A. 
3- Lateral femoral circumflex A. 
4- The first perforating artery –a branch of the profunda femoris A.  



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