مواضيع المحاضرة:

Biliary Tract Disease

Functional Anatomy

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Diagram showing liver segments together with portal and hepatic venous system

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Schematic representation of the liver

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Hepatic acinus (functional unit of the liver)

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Normal adult liver section showing the radiating plates of liver cells between the portal tracts & central veins

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract


Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Important liver functions

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Function of non-parenchymal liver cells

Following a meal, more than half the glucose absorbed is taken up by the liver and stored as glycogen or converted to glycerol and fatty acids, thus avoiding marked hyperglycaemia.
excess amino acids are catabolised to urea.
during fasting the liver releases glucose, derived either from the breakdown of glycogen or from gluconeogenesis using amino acids released from extrahepatic tissues such as muscle.
the liver plays a central role in lipid metabolism,
The liver plays a central role in the metabolism of bilirubin, bile salts, drugs and alcohol.

Some vitamins, such as A, D and B12, are stored by the liver in large amounts, while others, such as vitamin K and folate, are stored in smaller concentrations and disappear rapidly if dietary intake is deficient.
Vitamin K is essential for the hepatic synthesis of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X .
The liver stores minerals such as iron, in ferritin and haemosiderin, and copper.

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

The liver is one of the heaviest organs in the body, weighing 1.2-1.5 kg.

It is divided into right and left hemilivers based on the hepatic blood supply.
The right and left hemilivers are further divided into a total of eight segments in accordance with subdivisions of the hepatic and portal veins.
The segments each have their own hepatic artery branch and biliary tree.
Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

Functions of the Liver

processing of dietary amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins
removal of microbes and toxins in splanchnic blood
synthesis of plasma proteins
detoxification and excretion into bile of endogenous waste products & pollutant xenobiotics

Anatomy and Physiology of Liver and Biliart tract

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