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Synaptic Transmission 

Neuromuscular Junction 


Dr. Mahmood Ibrahim 

Clinical Neurophysiologist 

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• A 


 is  connection between 

neuron axon and 







 of another neuron : 

•   Axo


•   Axo


•   Axo



There are electrical  & chemical synapses 

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Physiologic Anatomy of the Synapse 

 Synapses consist of 3 parts: 

presynaptic membrane

this is the branching 

terminal part of an axon which is enlarged at its 

Synaptic cleft

the space which separates the 

presynaptic from postsynaptic membrane, the 
space is (20-40 nm) wide. 

Postsynaptic membrane

this is the thickened part 

of the membrane of the dendritescell body or 
even axon of postsynaptic neuron. 


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• It contains receptor proteins to which 

neurotransmitters bind. 

• In the cerebral cortex 98% of the synapses 

are on the dendrites and only 2% are on 
the cell bodies
, but in the spinal cord the 
proportion of ending on dendrites is less for 
example: in the anterior horn cells 80-85% 
of the terminals lies on dendrites
 and the 
rest on the cell body. 


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Electrical synapses :- 


are direct, ion-conducting cell


junctions ( bridging) through channels , 
these called (connexions) in the region of 
gap junctions. They are responsible for the 
conduction of impulses between neurons 
in the retina and in the CNS
) and ensure 
also communication between neighbouring 
epithelial or glial cells. 

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Chemical synapses :-  



utilize neurotransmitters  for the transmission 

of information and provide not only simple 1 : 1 
connections, but also serve as switching 
elements for the nervous system. They can 
facilitate or inhibit the neuronal transmission
of information or process them with other 
neuronal input. At the chemical synapse, the 
arrival of an action potential (AP) in the axon  
triggers the release of the transmitter from the 
presynaptic axon terminals.  

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The transmitter then diffuses across the 

narrow synaptic cleft to bind 
postsynaptically to receptors in the 
subsynaptic membrane of a neuron or of a 
glandular or muscle cell. Depending on the 
type of transmitter and receptor involved, 
the effect on the postsynaptic membrane 
may either be excitatory or inhibitory


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Properities of synaptic transmission 



1)  One way conduction :synapse permits 

conduction in one direction ( from pre 

– to post 

synaptic cells 
    2)  Convergence and divergence  
• Convergence : when processes of many 

presynaptic neurons terminate on  a single 
postsynaptic neuron 

• Divergence : when axon of a single presynaptic 

neuron terminates on many postsynaptic 


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  3)  Postsynaptic potentials are 
electronic potentials 

  4)  Postsynaptic potentials could be    
either excitatory or inhibitory 
. if the 
neurotransmitter causes the opening of 
Na+ channels
, the Na+ influx occurs and 
depolarization happens( excitatory post 
synaptic potentials  - EPSP 


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• While if the neurotransmitter opens 

K+ channels , hyperpolarization 
occurs ( inhibitory postsynaptic 

– IPSP) , if Cl-channels are 

opened , also inhibitory post 
synaptic potentials occurs 


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5) summation of postsynaptic 
 net , we have two types of 

A)  Spatial : where the effect of 
multiple excitatory and inhibitory 
postsynaptic potentials occurring at 
the same time, if
 the net results 
reaches the firing level , an action 
potential is initiated 


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• B) Temporal summation ; this 

happens if repeated stimuli causing 
postsynaptic potentials before decay 
of previous one
 ,this occurs where 
there's a very short time interval 
between the repeated the 
effect of first stimulus will be added to 
the next and so on until the firing level 
is reached 

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6) Fatigue of synapse : in excitatory 
synapses ,repeated stimulation at high 
rate causes impairment of synaptic 
transmission due to : 
• A) Depression of stores of 


• B) Inactivation of postsynaptic 


• C) Slow build up of Ca+ 


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• 7) synaptic delay : impulse 

transmission is delayed at synapse , 
because time is consumed for the 
release of neurotransmitterbinding 
to receptors
activation and change 
in the membrane permeability 
ionic fluxes until the firing level is 

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The neuromuscular junction


• When axon reaches muscle fiber, it loses its 
myelin and divides into a number of branches 
(terminal endings
• Each terminal nerve ending supplies single 
muscle fiber  
,so each nerve fiber (single 
, after entering the muscle belly, 
normally stimulates from three to several 
hundred skeletal muscle fibers


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The terminal buttons ( synaptic knobs) lies 

in invagination in the muscle fiber 
membrane called synaptic gutter 
• The muscle fiber is thickened at this area 
forming the motor end plate 
• The whole structure is covered by one or 
more d Schwan cells to isolate it from the 


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• The space between terminal nerve 
ending and muscle fiber membrane is 
called synaptic cleft 
• At the bottom of synaptic gutter the 
muscle fiber shows numerous folding 
forming subneural clefts which serves to 
increase the surface area at which the 
neurotransmitter acts 
• The muscle fibers at this point ( end 
plate) contains large amount ( 50 ) million 
specific Acetyl-Cholin ( A-Ch) nicotinic 


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In the axon terminal ,there are large 

amounts of mitochondria which supply 
energy for synthesis of  A-Ch 
• A-Ch is synthesized in the cytoplasm of 
nerve terminal and rapidly absorbed and 
stored in synaptic vesicle 
• There are about 300,000 synaptic  
vesicle per each nerve ending,
 arranged in 
the form of rows in the nerve terminal in 
an area called  Active Zone 


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• On the side of neuronal membrane ,there 
are proteins particles called ( linear dense 
) ,on each side of them there are other 
proteins penetrate the membrane,  called   
(Voltage Gated Calcium Channels
• At the neuronal ( synaptic  cleft), there's 
an enzyme ( A-Ch esterase) which destroys 
A-Ch into acetate and cholin 



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The sequence of events during 

neuromuscular transmission


• When action potential is initiated, it's 
conducted and reaches the nerve terminal ,it will 
activate the voltage gated calcium channels 
• (Ca++ )  enters nerve ending
, binding to a 
specific protein molecule at the inner surface of 
synaptic membrane called release site. 
• This binding leads to activation of enzyme 
(calmodulin Kinase II ) 
which is going to loosen 
the binding of synaptic vesicle to cytoskeleton. 


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The vesicle then moves towards the 

membrane, fusing with it and discharging its 
contents of A-Ch by process called exocytosis 
• Acetyl Cholin (A-Ch) diffuses at the 
subneural clefts and binds with nicotinic 
receptors at the muscle fiber membrane 
• This complex  ( A-Ch & its receptor ) actives 
and opens ligand gated sodium channels 
• Rapid influx of sodium ions causes a 
depolarization of muscle fiber membrane 


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This depolarization called motor end plate 

potential    ( electronic potentials ) 
• Once threshold values reaches, an action 
potential is generated and conducted along 
the muscle fiber 

• Each nerve impulse 
release about 60 
synaptic vesicle  



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• each vesicle contains  10 thousands 

molecules of  A-Ch, this amount is 10 times 
enough to activate the number of receptors 
required to produce a full end plate 


• So there's a safety factor of 10 folds of 


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Destruction of the Released 

Acetylcholine by Acetyl cholinesterase 


The acetylcholine, once released into the synaptic 

cleft, is removed rapidly by two means:  

(1)  Most of the acetylcholine is destroyed by the 

enzyme acetyl cholinesterasewhich is attached 
mainly to the spongy layer of fine connective 
tissue that fills the synaptic space. 

(2)  A small amount of acetylcholine diffuses out of 

the synaptic space. 


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Drugs That Stimulate the Muscle Fiber by 

Acetylcholine-Like Action.  

Many compounds, including methacholine, 

carbachol, and nicotine, have the same effect on 
the muscle fiber as does acetylcholine. The 
difference between these drugs and 
acetylcholine is that the drugs are not destroyed 
by cholinesterase
 or are destroyed so slowly that 
their action often persists for many minutes to 
several hours. 


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Drugs That Stimulate the Neuromuscular 

Junction by Inactivating Acetylcholinesterase



Three particularly well known drugs, neostigmine, 

inactivate the acetylcholinesterase 

in the synapses

 so that it no longer hydrolyzes 


Therefore, with each successive nerve impulse, 

additional acetylcholine accumulates and 
stimulates the muscle fiber repetitively. This causes 
muscle spasm when even a few nerve impulses 
reach the muscle. 

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Unfortunately, it also can cause death due 

to laryngeal spasm, which smothers the 

Neostigmine and physostigmine combine 

with acetylcholinesterase to inactivate it 
for up to several hours
, after which 
these drugs are displaced from the 
acetylcholinesterase so that the esterase 
once again becomes active. 

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Drugs That Block Transmission at the 

Neuromuscular Junction 


A group of drugs known as curariform drugs can 

prevent passage of impulses from the nerve 
ending into the muscle
. For instance, D-
tubocurarine blocks the action of acetylcholine 
on the muscle fiber acetylcholine receptors


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Myasthenia Gravis 

  Myasthenia gravis, which occurs in about 1 

in every 20,000 persons, causes muscle 
paralysis because of inability of the 
neuromuscular junctions to transmit 
enough signals from the nerve fibers to 
the muscle fibers. 

   Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune 

disease in which the patients have 
developed immunity against their own 
acetylcholine receptors


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 Regardless of the cause, the end plate potentials 

that occur in the muscle fibers are mostly too 
weak to stimulate the muscle fibers
. If the 
disease is intense enough, the patient dies of 

—in particular, paralysis of the 

respiratory muscles .The disease usually can be 
ameliorated for several hours by administering 
or some other anticholinesterase 
drug, which allows larger than normal amounts 
of acetylcholine to accumulate in the synaptic 

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