مواضيع المحاضرة:
background image

mild narcosis appear is about 120 feet. At this level the diver begins to exhibit

more and is breathing compressed air, the depth at which the first symptoms of

degrees of narcosis. When the diver remains beneath the sea for an hour or

no significant effect on bodily function, but at high pressures it can cause varying

About four fifths of the air is nitrogen. At sea-level pressure, the nitrogen has

physiologic effects at high pressures.

carbon dioxide;

, and 


The individual gases to which a diver is exposed when breathing air are 

Effect of High Partial Pressures of Individual

10 liters.

a depth of 300 feet; this is the same 

. For instance, we might speak of an actual volume of 1 liter at

causes serious damage.

can collapse the air chambers of the diver’s body, especially the lungs, and often

Boyle’s law

proportional to the pressure. This is a principle of physics called 

liter. Thus, the volume to which a given quantity of gas is compressed is inversely

pressed to only one-half liter, and at 8 atmospheres (233 feet) to one-eighth

beneath the sea, where the pressure is 2 atmospheres, the volume has been com-

of Figure 44–1 shows a bell jar at sea level containing 1 liter of air. At 33 feet

depth is compression of gases to smaller and smaller volumes. The lower part

Effect of Sea Depth on the Volume of Gases-Boyle’s Law.

Figure 44–1.

feet the pressure is 3 atmospheres, and so forth, in accord with the table in

the water and the second atmosphere by the weight of the water itself. At 66

pheres pressure, 1 atmosphere of pressure caused by the weight of the air above

Therefore, a person 33 feet beneath the ocean surface is exposed to 2 atmos-

. Beyond certain limits, these high pressures

high alveolar gas pressure, a condition called 

at very high pressure to keep them inflated. This

keep the lungs from collapsing, air must be supplied

pressure around them increases tremendously. To

When human beings descend beneath the sea, the












Physiology of Deep-Sea Diving 

and Other Hyperbaric Conditions

exposes the blood in the lungs also to extremely


can cause tremendous alterations in body physiol-

ogy and can be lethal.

Relationship of Pressure to Sea Depth.

A column of seawater 33 feet deep exerts the

same pressure at its bottom as the pressure of the atmosphere above the sea.

Another important effect of


which is extremely important in diving physiology because increased pressure

Many times in this chapter it is necessary to refer to actual volume versus 

sea-level volume

quantity of air as a sea-level volume of 

Gases on the Body



each of these at times can cause significant

Nitrogen Narcosis at High Nitrogen Pressures

background image

5 milliliters from each 100 milliliters of blood, the

tissues use their normal amount of oxygen, about 

volumes per cent dissolved in the blood water. As this

demonstrated by point A in the figure—this means 

milliliters of blood of about 29 volumes per cent, as

pheres pressure). Referring to Figure 44–2, one finds

in the lungs is about 3000 mm Hg (4 atmos-

on Tissue P

then dissolved in the water of the blood, in addition to

ters of mercury, a large portion of the total oxygen is

blood is accounted for by dissolved oxygen, but as the

120 mm Hg), almost none of the total oxygen in the

volume of oxygen

extended to more than 3000 mm Hg. Also depicted by

markedly. This is shown in Figure 44–2, which depicts

in the blood rises above 100 mm Hg, the amount

When the

on Blood Oxygen Transport.

Effect of Very High P

Oxygen Toxicity at High Pressures

neuronal excitability.

ionic conductance through the membranes, reduces

branes and, because of its 

same as that of most other gas anesthetics. That is, it

frequently been called “raptures of the depths.” The

of alcohol intoxication, and for this reason it has 

too long.

required. Beyond 250 feet (8.5 atmospheres pressure),

feet, his or her strength wanes considerably, and the

to 200 feet, the diver becomes drowsy. At 200 to 250

joviality and to lose many of his or her cares. At 150

Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving Physiology



diver often becomes too clumsy to perform the work

the diver usually becomes almost useless as a result of
nitrogen narcosis if he or she remains at these depths

Nitrogen narcosis has characteristics similar to those

mechanism of the narcotic effect is believed to be the

dissolves in the fatty substances in neuronal mem-

physical effect on altering





of oxygen dissolved in the water of the blood increases

the same oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve as
that shown in Chapter 40 but with the alveolar Po


the lowest curve in the figure is the 
dissolved in the fluid of the blood at each Po



Note that in the normal range of alveolar Po



oxygen pressure rises into the thousands of millime-

that bound with hemoglobin.

Effect of High Alveolar P






Let us assume that

the Po


that this represents a total oxygen content in each 100

20 volumes per cent bound with hemoglobin and 9

blood passes through the tissue capillaries and the

Depth (feet)

Sea level




1 liter

Sea level

33 ft















100 ft

233 ft

Effect of sea depth on pressure (

Figure 44–1

top table) and on gas volume





Total O




 in blood



Combined with

Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve



Dissolved in
water of blood
Normal alveolar
oxygen pressure

Oxygen partial pressure in lungs (mm Hg)

Oxygen in blood (volumes per cent)








bination with hemoglobin at very high P

Figure 44–2

Quantity of oxygen dissolved in the fluid of the blood and in com-




background image

And over several more hours, enough nitrogen is

high pressure as that in the alveolar breathing mixture.

lowing: Blood flowing through the pulmonary capil-

body fluids increases. The reason for this is the fol-

long time, the amount of nitrogen dissolved in the

When a person breathes air under high pressure for a

Decompression of the Diver After

lethargy, narcosis, and finally even anesthesia, as dis-

severe respiratory acidosis, and varying degrees of

than to compensate. In addition, the diver develops

. The diver’s respiration then begins to fail rather

center begins to be depressed, rather than excited,

becomes intolerable, and eventually the respiratory

, the situation

to compensate for the increased carbon dioxide.

about 80 mm Hg, twice that in normal alveoli, the

air of the apparatus and be rebreathed by the diver.

tuses, carbon dioxide can build up in the dead space

In certain types of diving gear, however, such as the

normal value.

and expires the carbon dioxide as it is formed, alveo-

carbon dioxide production in the body, and as long as

the carbon dioxide partial pressure in the alveoli. This

properly, the diver has no problem due to carbon

Depths in the Sea

Carbon Dioxide Toxicity at Great

are directly exposed to the high oxygen pressure, but

to develop. The reason for this effect in the lungs but

, and 

lung passageway con-

1 atmosphere oxygen exposure,

just described. However, after only about 12 hours of


Therefore, most of the acute lethal effects of acute

metabolic systems. The nervous tissues are especially

cellular enzymes, thus damaging severely the cellular

membranes. Another effect is to oxidize some of the

tive and even lethal effects on the cells. One of the

remove them, and now they can have serious destruc-

these high levels, the amounts of oxidizing free radi-

hundreds or thousands of millimeters of mercury. At

mechanism fails, and the tissue P

), the hemoglobin-oxygen buffering

(above about 2 

that they have little or no effect in the tissues.

. Therefore, so long as the hemoglobin-oxygen

superoxide dis-

, and


enzymes that rapidly remove these free radicals,

oxygen. Fortunately, the tissues also contain multiple

40 mm Hg, small amounts of free radicals are contin-

ide. Even when the tissue P

, and another

. One of the most important

oxygen free radicals

oxygen. There are several forms of active oxygen

must first be converted into an “active” form of

of oxidizing other chemical compounds. Instead, it

Nervous System Oxygen Toxicity—“Oxidizing Free

oxygen toxicity, causing symptoms to appear much

Exercise greatly increases the diver’s susceptibility to

disturbances of vision, irritability, and disorientation.

soning include nausea, muscle twitchings, dizziness,

occur without warning and, for obvious reasons, are

people within 30 to 60 minutes. The seizures often

in most

seizures followed by coma

3040 mm Hg)

the body’s tissues. For instance, breathing oxygen at 

The extremely high tissue P

between 20 and 60 mm Hg.

in the normal, safe range

a critical level, the hemoglobin-oxygen buffer mecha-

of 40 mm Hg. Thus, once the alveolar P

is approximately 1200 mm Hg, which

point, the P

24 volumes per cent (point B in the figure). At this

Chapter 44

Physiology of Deep-Sea Diving and Other Hyperbaric Conditions


oxygen content on leaving the tissue capillaries is still



means that oxygen is delivered to the tissues at this
extremely high pressure instead of at the normal value



rises above

nism (discussed in Chapter 40) is no longer capable 
of keeping the tissue Po


Acute Oxygen Poisoning.



that occurs when oxygen is breathed at very high alve-
olar oxygen pressure can be detrimental to many of

4 atmospheres pressure of oxygen (Po



will cause brain 

likely to be lethal to divers submerged beneath the 

Other symptoms encountered in acute oxygen poi-

earlier and with far greater severity than in the resting

Excessive Intracellular Oxidation as a Cause of


Molecular oxygen (O


) has little capability

of these is the superoxide free radical O



is the peroxide radical in the form of hydrogen perox-



is normal at the level of

ually being formed from the dissolved molecular



buffering mechanism maintains a normal tissue Po



the oxidizing free radicals are removed rapidly enough

Above a critical alveolar Po


atmospheres Po




can then rise to

cals literally swamp the enzyme systems designed to

principal effects is to oxidize the polyunsaturated fatty
acids that are essential components of many of the cell

susceptible because of their high lipid content.

oxygen toxicity are caused by brain dysfunction.

Chronic Oxygen Poisoning Causes Pulmonary Disabil-

A person can be exposed to only 1 atmosphere

pressure of oxygen almost indefinitely without devel-
oping the acute oxygen toxicity of the nervous system

gestionpulmonary edema

atelectasis caused by

damage to the linings of the bronchi and alveoli begin

not in other tissues is that the air spaces of the lungs

oxygen is delivered to the other body tissues at almost
normal Po

because of the hemoglobin-oxygen buffer


If the diving gear is properly designed and functions

dioxide toxicity because depth alone does not increase

is true because depth does not increase the rate of

the diver continues to breathe a normal tidal volume

lar carbon dioxide pressure will be maintained at a

diving helmet and some types of rebreathing appara-

Up to an alveolar carbon dioxide pressure (Pco


) of

diver usually tolerates this buildup by increasing the
minute respiratory volume a maximum of 8- to 11-fold

Beyond 80-mm Hg alveolar Pco


because of the negative tissue metabolic effects of high


cussed in Chapter 42.

Excess Exposure to High Pressure

laries becomes saturated with nitrogen to the same

background image

coalesce, progressively larger vessels are affected.

are blocked by minute bubbles, but as the bubbles 

different tissues. At first, only the smallest vessels 

The symptoms of decompression sickness are caused

state for hours before bubbling.

gases can remain dissolved in the “supersaturated”

for many minutes to hours, because sometimes the

many small blood vessels. The bubbles may not appear

actual bubbles, composed almost entirely of nitrogen,

Hg pressure on the outside of the body. Therefore, the

value of 4065 mm Hg is far greater than the 760 mm

which is caused by the nitrogen. Obviously, this total

nitrogen, or a total of 4065 mm Hg, 97 per cent of

pressures of water vapor, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and

becomes only 1 atmosphere (760 mm Hg), while the

), the pressure on the outside of the body

when the diver suddenly rises to sea level (Figure

ciently to keep the excess nitrogen gas dissolved. But

(5000 mm Hg) compresses all the body tissues suffi-

As long as the diver remains deep beneath the sea, the

times the normal amount of nitrogen in the tissues.

3918 mm Hg), about 6.5 

in water.

little more than one half in the fat of the body. This is

is dissolved in the entire body. Slightly less than one

At sea level, almost exactly 1 liter of nitrogen

Volume of Nitrogen Dissolved in the Body Fluids at Different


by the reverse respiratory process; however, this

lower level, at which time the nitrogen can be removed

Because nitrogen is not metabolized by the body, it

in the breathing air.

Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving Physiology



carried to all the tissues of the body to raise their tissue


also to equal the Pn


remains dissolved in all the body tissues until the nitro-
gen pressure in the lungs is decreased back to some

removal often takes hours to occur and is the source
of multiple problems collectively called decompression



half of this is dissolved in the water of the body and a

true because nitrogen is five times as soluble in fat as

After the diver has become saturated with nitrogen,

the sea-level volume of nitrogen dissolved in the body
at different depths is as follows:

nitrogen pressure (Pn



pressure against the outside of his or her body 


gas pressure inside the body fluids is the sum of the

gases can escape from the dissolved state and form

both in the tissues and in the blood where they plug

Symptoms of Decompression Sickness (“Bends”).

by gas bubbles blocking many blood vessels in 











, the diver’s

shown in Figure 44–3. In Figure 44–3

The principles underlying bubble formation are

decompression sickness

number and sizes of bubbles formed; this is called

in almost any area of the body, depending on the

of the sea, significant quantities of nitrogen bubbles

Sickness, Caisson Disease, Diver’s Paralysis, Dysbarism).

deep level for several hours, both the body water and

fluids and tissues, whereas if the person remains at a

few minutes, not much nitrogen dissolves in the body

reason, if a person remains at deep levels for only a

reaches equilibrium only after several hours. For this

nitrogen and having a relatively poor blood supply,

the fat tissue, requiring five times as much transport of

to almost complete equilibrium in less than 1 hour, but

The nitrogen dissolved in the water of the body comes

The reason for this is that the blood does not flow



Several hours are required for the gas pressures of

nitrogen in all the body tissues to come nearly to equi-
librium with the gas pressure of nitrogen in the alveoli.

rapidly enough and the nitrogen does not diffuse
rapidly enough to cause instantaneous equilibrium.

body fat become saturated with nitrogen.

Decompression Sickness (Synonyms: Bends, Compressed Air

If a

diver has been beneath the sea long enough that large
amounts of nitrogen have dissolved in his or her body
and the diver then suddenly comes back to the surface

can develop in the body fluids either intracellularly or
extracellularly and can cause minor or serious damage



tissues have become equilibrated to a high dissolved

   = 3918

   = 60

   = 3918

   = 60



Pressure Outside Body





 = 1044 mm Hg



 = 3956

Total = 5000 mm Hg

After sudden




 = 159 mm Hg



 = 601

Total = 760 mm Hg

Total = 4065


Gaseous pressure
in the body fluids


O = 47 mm Hg



 = 40





Total = 4065


Gaseous pressure
in the body fluids


O = 47 mm Hg



 = 40





760 mm Hg.

suddenly returned from 5000 mm Hg to normal pressure of 

the tissues when the lung intra-alveolar pressure body is 

intra-body pressures that are responsible for bubble formation in

) the great excesses of

at a total pressure of 5000 mm Hg, and (

saturation of the body to high gas pressures when breathing air

Gaseous pressures both inside and outside the body, showing (

Figure 44–3



background image

flow continually into the mask. Instead, with each

water pressure. The breathing mixture does not 

sure only a few mm Hg greater than the surrounding

The demand system operates as follows: The first-

small “dead space.”

water pressure, and (4) a mask and tube system with

tion “demand” valve and exhalation valve that allows

tanks to a low pressure level, (3) a combination inhala-

ing” valve for reducing the very high pressure from the

some other breathing mixture, (2) a first-stage “reduc-

ponents: (1) one or more tanks of compressed air or

Figure 44–4. This system consists of the following com-

apparatus. The type of SCUBA apparatus used in

, known as the SCUBA

1943, Jacques Cousteau popularized a 

was pumped to the diver from the surface. Then, in

Before the 1940s, almost all diving was done using a

Underwater Breathing

30 minutes.

to the lungs of more than 4 atmospheres,

the oxygen required by the diver, whereas a 21 per

pressure), a 1 per cent oxygen mixture will provide all

instance, at a depth of 700 feet (22 atmospheres of

because otherwise oxygen toxicity would result. For

Finally, in very deep dives it is important to reduce

breathing beyond endurance.

can become extreme, sometimes making the work of

at a minimum, which is very important because highly

reducing the problem of decompression sickness; and

sion several times as rapidly as does nitrogen, thus

the body tissues as nitrogen, and the volume that does

about one fifth the narcotic effect of nitrogen; (2) only

instead of nitrogen for three reasons: (1) it has only

diving, helium is usually used in the gas mixture

In very deep dives, especially during saturation

so that decompression bubbles do not occur.

working, there are no significant changes in pressure,

Then, when they return to the same tank after

the gases to which they will be exposed while diving.

level near that at which they will be working. This

weeks at a time, remaining compressed at a pressure

When divers must work at very deep levels—

is recompressed immediately to a deep level. Then

have returned to the surface. In this case, the diver 

Tank decompression is even more important for

essentially the same time schedule as noted above.

ually back to normal atmospheric pressure, using

Tank Decompression and Treatment of Decompression Sick-

3 hours.

1 hour, the total time for decompression is about 

Thus, for a work period on the bottom of only 

process, a diver who has been breathing air and has

sion. To give the student an idea of the decompression

U.S. Navy that detail procedures for safe decompres-

erated in 1 hour and about 90 per cent in 6 hours.

sickness. About two thirds of the total nitrogen is lib-

a diver is brought to the surface slowly, enough of the

Nitrogen Elimination from the Body; Decompression Tables.

and, occasionally, death.

breath, often followed by severe pulmonary edema

the lungs; this is characterized by serious shortness of

sion sickness develop “the chokes,” caused by massive

Finally, about 2 per cent of people with decompres-

The paralysis may be temporary, but in some instances,

sickness, nervous system symptoms occur, ranging

accounts for the term “bends” that is often applied to

who develop decompression sickness. The joint pain

and arms, affecting 85 to 90 per cent of those persons

In most people with decompression sickness, the

Tissue ischemia and sometimes tissue death are the

Chapter 44

Physiology of Deep-Sea Diving and Other Hyperbaric Conditions



symptoms are pain in the joints and muscles of the legs

this condition.

In 5 to 10 per cent of people with decompression

from dizziness in about 5 per cent to paralysis or col-
lapse and unconsciousness in as many as 3 per cent.

damage is permanent.

numbers of microbubbles plugging the capillaries of


dissolved nitrogen can usually be eliminated by expi-
ration through the lungs to prevent decompression

Decompression tables have been prepared by the

been on the sea bottom for 60 minutes at a depth of
190 feet is decompressed according to the following

10 minutes at 50 feet depth
17 minutes at 40 feet depth
19 minutes at 30 feet depth
50 minutes at 20 feet depth
84 minutes at 10 feet depth


Another procedure widely used for decompres-

sion of professional divers is to put the diver into a
pressurized tank and then to lower the pressure grad-

treating people in whom symptoms of decompression
sickness develop minutes or even hours after they

decompression is carried out over a period several
times as long as the usual decompression period.

“Saturation Diving” and Use of Helium-Oxygen Mixtures in Deep

between 250 feet and nearly 1000 feet—they fre-
quently live in a large compression tank for days or

keeps the tissues and fluids of the body saturated with

about one half as much volume of helium dissolves in

dissolve diffuses out of the tissues during decompres-

(3) the low density of helium (one seventh the density
of nitrogen) keeps the airway resistance for breathing

compressed nitrogen is so dense that airway resistance

the oxygen concentration in the gaseous mixture

cent mixture of oxygen (the percentage in air) deliv-
ers a Po


a level very likely to cause seizures in as little as 

Scuba (Self-Contained

Apparatus) Diving

diving helmet connected to a hose through which air


underwater breathing apparatus

more than 99 per cent of all sports and commercial
diving is the open-circuit demand system shown in

air to be pulled into the lungs with slight negative pres-
sure of breathing and then to be exhaled into the sea
at a pressure level slightly positive to the surrounding

stage reducing valve reduces the pressure from the
tanks so that the air delivered to the mask has a pres-

background image

include decompression sickness, arterial gas embolism,

instances by early treatment with hyperbaric therapy.

70 mm Hg. Therefore, hyperbaric oxygenation of the

, grow best under anaerobic conditions and 

. The

been especially beneficial follow.

at least some of the therapeutic benefits. Some of the

tracheal tube, whereas the gas around the body is

The oxygen is usually administered at P

conditions. Therefore, large pressure tanks are now

hyperbaric oxygen

The intense oxidizing properties of high-pressure


sion, even freon gas has been found to diffuse out of

to cause carbon monoxide poisoning. And, on occa-

enough carbon monoxide, if not removed rapidly,

gence, cigarette smoking by the crew can liberate

rapidly. For instance, during several weeks’ submer-

Second, poisonous gases on occasion escape into the

received above the surface of the sea from cosmic rays.

diation hazards, but with appropriate shielding, the

atomic submarines, there exists the problem of ra-

hazards out of the internal environment. First, in

Except for escape, submarine medicine generally

to exhale continually.

person ascends, he or she must make a special effort

cause air embolism of the circulation. Therefore, as the

blood vessel, forcing the gases to enter the vessel and

of air embolism. As the person ascends, the gases in


devices, especially when using helium, theoretically

apparatus. However, proper use of rebreathing

to escape from a submerged submarine. Escape is 

tion to submarines, especially when it is necessary 

Special Physiologic Problems

have been compressed to small sizes.

air per minute that is required, because the 

depth, the greater the airflow in terms of 

ble at a 200-foot depth. The reason for this is that

sea surface; for instance, only a few minutes are possi-

The most important problem in use of the self-

Then, on expiration, the air cannot go back into the

the tank into the mask and lungs. In this way, only the

valve open, and this automatically releases air from

inspiration, slight extra negative pressure in the

Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving Physiology



demand valve of the mask pulls the diaphragm of the

amount of air needed for inhalation enters the mask.

tank but instead is expired into the sea.

contained underwater breathing apparatus is the
limited amount of time one can remain beneath the

tremendous airflow from the tanks is required to wash
carbon dioxide out of the lungs—the greater the

quantity of


in Submarines

Escape from Submarines.

Essentially the same problems

encountered in deep-sea diving are often met in rela-

possible from as deep as 300 feet without using any

can allow escape from as deep as 600 feet or perhaps

One of the major problems of escape is prevention

the lungs expand and sometimes rupture a pulmonary

Health Problems in the Submarine Internal Environment.

centers around several engineering problems to keep

amount of radiation received by the crew submerged
beneath the sea has been less than normal radiation

atmosphere of the submarine and must be controlled

refrigeration systems in sufficient quantity to cause

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

oxygen (

) can have valuable 

therapeutic effects in several important clinical 

available in many medical centers into which patients
can be placed and treated with hyperbaric oxygen.



s of 2 to 

3 atmospheres of pressure through a mask or intra-

normal air compressed to the same high-pressure

It is believed that the same oxidizing free radicals

responsible for oxygen toxicity are also responsible for

conditions in which hyperbaric oxygen therapy has

Probably the most successful use of hyperbaric

oxygen has been for treatment of gas gangrene
bacteria that cause this condition, clostridial organ-
stop growing at oxygen pressures greater than about

tissues can frequently stop the infectious process
entirely and thus convert a condition that formerly was
almost 100 per cent fatal into one that is cured in most

Other conditions in which hyperbaric oxygen

therapy has been either valuable or possibly valuable


Demand valve

First stage



Air cylinders

Open-circuit demand type of SCUBA apparatus.

Figure 44–4

background image

keling in adult life. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 138:325,

West JB, Fu Z, Gaeth AP, Short RV: Fetal lung development

48:226, 2002

agement of musculoskeletal disorders. J Postgrad Med

Wang J, Li F, Calhoun JH, Mader JT: The role and effective-

literature. Arch Surg 138:272, 2003.

oxygen for treating wounds: a systematic review of the 

Wang C, Schwaitzberg S, Berliner E, et al: Hyperbaric

53(Suppl 2):S20, 1998.

Russi EW: Diving and the risk of barotrauma. Thorax

Physiol Sci 16:217, 2001.

Nilsson GE: Surviving anoxia with the brain turned on. News

ness. News Physiol Sci 17:77, 2002.

Neuman TS: Arterial gas embolism and decompression sick-

therapy. BMJ 317:1140, 1998.

Leach RM, Rees PJ, Wilmshurst P: Hyperbaric oxygen

to depth: birds and mammals. Annu Rev Physiol 60:19,

Kooyman GL, Ponganis PJ: The physiological basis of diving

Butler PJ: Diving beyond the limits. News Physiol Sci 16:222,

carbon monoxide poisoning,



Chapter 44

Physiology of Deep-Sea Diving and Other Hyperbaric Conditions


myocardial infarction.




ness of adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the man-

in the elephant reflects the adaptations required for snor-


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