Exogenous eczema
Dr. Manar GhanemLEC. 5
17 / 11 / 2016
Exogenous ( Environmental )
1. Contact dermatitis:a. Allergic.
b. Irritant.
2. Photodermatitis.
a. Phototoxic.
b. Photoallergic.
3. Infective dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis
An exogenous substance ( solid, liquid, gas ) When contact with the skin cause an inflammatory skin reactionThe substance act as irritants or allergens
The contact dermatitis may cause acute , subacute or chronic dermatitis.
Very common problem
E.g. leather – shoe dermatitis
Nickel – earlobes , neck, wrist, periumblical
History of contact with some chemical substance is very important
Irritant Contact Dermatitis:
Irritation of the skin is the most common cause of contact dermatitis.
It account more than 80% of all cases.
The epidermis is a thin cellular barrier with an outer layer composed of dead cells in a water-protein-lipid matrix.Any process that damage any component of this barrier will compromises its function and a non- immunological eczematous response may result.
Strong irritants cause an acute reaction after brief contact and the diagnosis is usually obvious.Weak irritants may need prolonged exposure, sometime over years, to cause dermatitis.
There is a wide range of individual susceptibility to develop irritant contact dermatitis which include; those with dry, fair skin and past or present atopic dermatitis double the risk of irritant hand eczema.
• Contact dermatitis may occur as an occupational disease.
• Site of exposure gives a clue about the causative substance:• Such as hair dies, make up, detergents, perfumes, clothes, shoes,jewellaries..Etc.
• People liable for contact dermatitis are:
• House wives, doctors, barbers, building workers...Etc
Housewife's dermatitis
This results from repeated exposures to toxic or subtoxic concentrations of offending agents (alkaline detergents).Repeated rubbing of the skin, prolonged soaking in water, fasters the evolution of dermatitis.
Present in form of itching, dyness,roughness,scaliness& fissuring.
Mx ??
Cement Contact Dermatitis
Is the hand eczema seen in bricklayers,In these persons, hand eczema is usually a combination of chronic irritant contact dermatitis (alkaline medium of cement, sand, rubbing) and allergic (chromate).
Rx: (same rx) with stopping exposure or using gloves.
Napkin (diaper) dermatitis
This is a primary irritant effect of body fluids on the skin. The eruption is essentially confined to the area in contact with the diaper.
It is very common in infancy
(but could affect old people who use diapers).
caused by contact with urine & faeces ( bacteria in the last split urea (in urine) to ammonia which is very irritant.
the area (especially convex areas) is mildly to intensely errythematous, macerated ± papules, vesicles& ulcers.
• .
Rx.: avoid using occlusive diapers
keep the area clean &dryUsing abarrier cream such as zinc oxide
use mild topical steiod along with topical antifungalDDx:
1-candidiasis which often accompany it.2-seborrhoeic dermatitis.
3-Tinea cruris.
4-Bacterial infections
5-Inverted psoriasis.
Investigation ICD:
Patch test with irritants is not helpful and may be misleading.
So diagnosis mainly by history of contact with substance plus the lesion of eczema
Treatment of contact dermatitis in general
Prevention is better than cure, because irritant eczema once started, it can persist for long time even after the contacts has ceased and despite the vigorous use of emollients and topical steroid.Management is based upon avoidance of the irritants responsible for the condition which is often not possible and the best is to reduce the exposure by the use of protective gloves and clothing, and barrier vasaline
Washing facilities at work should be good.
Dirty hands should not be cleaned by harsh solvents.
Topical steroid and in severe cases systemic steroid.
Allergic contact dermatitis:
It is a delayed (type IV) hypersensitivity reaction characterized by:its specific to one chemical and its close relatives.
after allergy has been established, all area of the skin will react to the allergens.
sensitization persist indefinitely.
desensitization is not possible.
Comparison between irritant & allergic and contact dermatitis:
Characteristic pointsIrritant CD
Allergic CD
People at risk
Every one
Genetically predisposed
Non- immunological
Delayed hypersensitivity (type-IV) reaction
No. of exposure
Few to many (sensitization )
No need for previous exposure
Nature of substance
Organic solvent, soap & detergent
Low molecular weight hapten e.g. Nickel, fragrance, hair dye
No. of compound
Concentration of substance
Usually high
May be very low
May spread beyond area of contact
Patch test
• Decraesing exposure is useful.
Total avoidance of causative agent is necessary.
cosmetic allergy.
Allergic contact
dermatitis. Adhesives allergy
Shoe allergy:
More on the dorsumThe interdigital spaces are spared, in contrast to tinea pedis.
Inflammation is usually bilateral, but unilateral involvement does not preclude the diagnosis of allergy.
The thick skin of the soles is more resistant to allergens
Patch test• used to detect the causative agents in ACD
• application of known allergens to the back of & left under occlusion to be seen after 48&96 hr.s.
• A positive patch test shows erythema and papules, as well as possibly vesicles.
ACD Nickel
Nickel ACD
Avoid completely the offending allergen.
symptomatic treatment of eczematous reaction by topical steroid.
Systemic steroid is used in severe cases.