
Physical Findings in General Examination



physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Fleshy, plump nose

and lip


physical findings عملي

Large nose and thik

Supraorbital ridges
Large nose
Overgrown lower jaw

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Cushing's syndrome

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physical findings عملي

A rounded,moon face and plethora

Cushing's syndrome
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physical findings عملي

Th eadipose 'necklace'of

Cushing's syndrom
Supraclavicular adipose deposits

Cushing's syndrome
physical findings عملي

Cushing's syndrome

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Cushing's syndrome

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Cushing's syndrome

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Graves disease

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physical findings عملي

Upper lid retraction

Proptosis with
Normal orbit
Axial protrusion of
The eye ball


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physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Clinical features of hypothyroidis

Hypothyroidism:hair loss
Hypothyroidism: malarflushand
Noncommunicative affec

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Partial and unequal

Complete right ptosis
Left proptosis
Viewed from above

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physical findings عملي

Conjuctival pallor (anaemia)


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Parotid enlargement
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physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Herpes Simplex (Cold Sore, Fever Blister)
Angular Cheilitis

Central cyanosis

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Gingival Hyperplasia

Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis

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Hairy Tongue
Fissured Tongue
Aphthous Ulcer (Canker Sore)

physical findings عملي

Aphthous Ulcer (Canker Sore)

physical findings عملي

Large,square tongue

Normal,triangular tongue
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Atrophic glossitis

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physical findings عملي

Multinodular goitre

A nodular goitre on
The right side and
enlarged lymp h
nodes in the left
anterior cervical
Associated wasting

physical findings عملي

Spider angiomas

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physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Palmar erythema

Vasospasm causing
Pallor of the
Finger tip after
Immersion in tepid water
Raynaud's disese:
Tapering fingertips
With gangrenous
Areas in the pulp

physical findings عملي

Wasting affecting principally

the lateral aspect of hand

physical findings عملي

The ulnar clawh and affecting principally

the fourth and fifth fingers. Note
wasting of the muscles supplied by the ulnar nerve

physical findings عملي

physical findings عملي

Normal hand against two hands with periungual

Turner's syndrome:a
Shorter right fourth
Dupuytren's contracture with Palmar erythema
Cystic fibrosis with clubbing of the finger

physical findings عملي

Dupuytren's contracture

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Clubbing:thickened nail bed raising the root of the nail which is in a straight linewith the finger
Clubbing: curved nails obtusely set at the proximal nail fold

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Psoriasis:discrete, multiple pits with distal onycholysis
Distal onycholysis
Subungual hyperkeratosis with separation of the nail plate

physical findings عملي


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physical findings عملي

Splinter haemorrhage

physical findings عملي

Beau's lines

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physical findings عملي

half and half nails

physical findings عملي


physical findings عملي

Nicotine-stained nails in a patient with COAD

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