
Lymphatic system


lymphatic vessels: resemble the venule but differ in 1- its larger 2- contain more valve

Lymphatic system lab

lymphatic vessels

Lymphatic system lab


Histological structure of lymph node :consist of cortex and medulla
Lymphatic system lab

Lymphatic system lab

Cortical zone: A-The outer cortex, situated under the capsule, consists of : 1. A diffuse population of cells composed mainly of T lymphocytes , Macrophages ,APCs reticular cells and reticular fibers and ground substance produced by the reticular cells. 2. Lymphoid nodules
Lymphatic system lab

Primary nodules & secondary nodules

Lymphatic system lab

Primary nodule

Secondary nodule

Lymphatic system lab

Lymphatic system lab

SPLEEN: consist of white and red pulps

Lymphatic system lab

Lymphatic system lab


Lymphatic system lab

THYMUS: divided into many lobule

Lymphatic system lab

THYMUS :each lobule consist of outer deep zone( cortex) and inner pale zone ( medulla)

Lymphatic system lab

Hassal's corpuscles ( thymic corpuscles ): It is spherical lamellated structures about 30-150 µm in diameter formed of central acidophilic hyalanized area surrounded concentrically arranged, flattened epithelial reticular cells that become filled with keratin filaments,
Lymphatic system lab

palatine tonsile:1 covered by stratified sequamous epithelium -2-Each tonsil has about 10-20 crypts3- composed of dense lymphoid tissue in a form of lymphatic nodules,
Lymphatic system lab

Lymphatic system lab

Pharyngeal Tonsil: 1 covered by ciliated pseudostratified columnar 2- no crypte-

Lymphatic system lab

Pharyngeal Tonsil:

Lymphatic system lab

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