مواضيع المحاضرة: face

Human Anatomy


muscles of the eyelids

the sphincter muscle of the eyelids is the orbicularis oculi , and the dilator muscles are the levator palpebral superiors and the occipitofrontalis .


muscles of the nostrils

the sphincter muscle is the compressor naris and the dilator muscle is the dilator naris


muscles of the lips and cheeks

the sphincter muscle is the orbicularis oris . the dilator muscles consist of a series of small muscles that radiate out from the lips.


sphincter muscle of the lips: orbicularis Oris


Nerve supply : Buccal and mandibular branches of facial nerve


Muscle of the cheek Buccinator


Nerve supply : Buccal branch of the facial nerve .


Sensory Nerves of the Face
The skin of the face is supplied by branches of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve , except for the small area over the angle of the mandible and the parotid gland which is supplied by the greater auricular nerve (C2 and 3) . These nerves not only supply the skin of face , but also supply proprioceptive fibers to the underlying muscles of facial expression .They are , in addition ,the sensory nerve supply to the mouth , teeth , nasal cavities, and paranasal air sinuses



Ophthalmic nerve

• The lacrimal nerve supplies
• The supraorbital nerve
• The supratrochlear nerve
• The infiratochlear nerve
• e) The external nasal nerve





Maxillary nerve

a) The infra orbital nerve
b) The zygomaticofacial nerve
c) The zygomaticotemporal nerve


Mandibular nerve

a) The mental nerve
b) The buccal nerve
c) The auriculotemporal


Arterial supply of the face

• facial
• superficial temporal arteries


Branches of the facial artery

a. The submental artery
b. The inferior labial artery
c. The superior labial artery
d. The lateral nasal artery


The superficial temporal artery ,

The supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries


Venous drainage of the face

The facial vein is formed at the medial angle of the eye by the union of the supraorbital and supratrochlear veins. It is connected to the superior ophthalmic vein directly through the supraorbital vein. By means of the superior ophthalmic vein, the facial vein is connected to the cavernous sinus ; this connection is of great clinical importance because it provides a pathway for the spread of infection from the face to the cavernous sinus. The facial vein descends behind the facial artery to the lower margin of the body of the mandible. It crosses superficial to the submandibular gland and is joined by the anterior division of the retro mandibular vein. The facial vein ends by draining into the internal jugular vein.


Lymph drainage of the face

Lymph from the forehead and the anterior part of the face drains into the submandibular lymph nodes. A few buccal lymph nodes may be present along the course of these lymph vessels . the lateral parts of the eyelids , is drained by lymph vessels that end in the parotid lymph nodes. The central part of the lower lip and the skin of the chin are drained into the submental lymph nodes.



Facial nerve

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