
Fifth stage

Dr.Bassam Alabbasi


Anorectal malformations
-Assurbanipal library: (when a woman bears a child whose anus is closed then the whole land will suffer the want of food).
- becoming less common.
-imperforate anus wrong name ? Most have fistulous connection.
- Correction is difficult :-
1- loss of relation to sphincter.
2- abnormal muscle development.
3- abnormal nerve supply.
- About 1-3000 to 1-5000 live birth.
- Males affected slightly more than female.
-high lesion =male/low lesion =female
- Most cases sporadically.
- Risk of inheritance only 1%.

Different sub type classified according to:-
1-relation of terminal bowel to pelvic floor muscle(levator ani).
2- presence or absence of fistula(skin or uro genital).
3- conditions needs colostomy , others not need.

1- High type : blind end rectum above levator ani muscle

a-with fistula to
-bladder or urethra in male
-vagina in female.
b-without fistula(anorectal agenesis or atresia).
2-low type: blind end rectum below levator ani muscle.
a-with fistula to- skin (cutaneous fistula)
- vestibule.
b-without fistula (anal agenesis)
3- cloaca in female(rectum ,urethra and vagina in one opening or channal called urogenital sinus)

International classification

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Associated anomalies:-

- Carful system review(very important) .
More than 60% of cases have second anomalies.
: Genito urinary anomalies
-50% of cases and its include:-
1-neuropathic bladder.
2-vesicoureteral reflux.
4-ureteric duplication.
5-renal agenesis.
6-bladder or cloacal exstophy.

Anorectal malformation

Skeletal anomalies:-

-20% of cases:-
1- vertebral.
2-spinal dysraphism.
3-sacral anomalies.
4-spinal cord and pelvic nerve dysfunction.
5- pelvic floor dusfunction.

Cardiovascular anomalies:-

-12% of cases and it may be life threatening:-
1- V.S.D.
3-A-V Canal.
4-Right aortic arch.

Gastro intestinal anomalies:-

- 10% of cases:-
1-Congenital cystic colon(C.C.C.).
2-Dudenal Artesia.
3-esophageal Artesia.
4-intestinal artesian.

Syndromes or associations:-
1- Down syndrome. 2- V.A.C.T.E.R.L. association.3- Currarino triade.

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Clinical presentations
-intestinal obstruction.
-simple inspection(diagnostic)/level(difficult).
- Condition of anal dimple(well formed=low/flat=high).
-voiding of meconium per urethra(in male) high type.
- sometime cutaneous fistula filled with meconium low type.
-in female carful genital examination essential (no.of opening).
3 opening: suggest vestibular fistula.
2 opening : suggest agenesis.
1 opening : diagnostic for cloacae with common channel(urogenital sinus).


1-relation of rectum to sphincter muscle.
2-associated anomalies.
1-x-ray of the spine and chest (sacral , VATER).
2-Lateral invertogram ( pubococcegeal line) 18-24hr.after birth.
-gas shadow above this line suggest high type.
- gas shadow below suggest low type.
3-lateral decubitus X-ray.
5- ultrasound.
7- M.C.U.

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation


Satisfactory results=efficient continence.
general considerations:
1-perineal fistula=low lesion = good prognosis.
2-meconium in urine (in male) = high type = colostomy.
3-in female=search for fistula=mostly local surgery = good prognosis.
if no fistula = colostomy.
4-sacral anomalies + neurogenic bladder = poor sphincter action = poor prognosis.

Surgical technique

Low lesion:
good long term outlook but tendency to constipation
- A perineal anoplasty =cutaneous fistula.
- anal stenosis &imperforate anal membrane=simple incision &dilatation.
-vestibular fistula =transpositioning anoplasty few monthes later.
High lesion:
- Colostomy at birth.
3-4 month later definitive surgery using posterior sagital anorectoplasty(P.S.A.R.P. pullthrogh) Or penna technique.

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation

- Recently laparoscopic pull through using nerve stimulator to identify anal sphincter ,

-the sphincter is not well developed and nerve supply is deficient= continence not good.
- 2 months later colostomy closed.
- Regular anal dilatation.


1-wound infection.
2- colostomy complications.
3-recto urinary fistula .
4- neurogenic bladder.
5- anal stenosis.
6- rectal mucosal prolaps.
3- soiling (incontinence)

Anorectal malformation

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