

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system


• paired kidneys.
• Ureters.
• Urinary bladder.
• Urethra.


• Excretion of waste products
• Regulation of fluid & Electrolytes.
• Production of Renin.
• Production of Erythropoietin.
• Excretion of Drugs& Toxins.
• Activation of VIT D

urinary system

urinary system

KidneyBean shaped, reddish brown in color

urinary system

Concave medial border(hilum) convex lateral border

urinary system

Hilum of the kidneyvein /artery / ureter

urinary system


urinary system

urinary system

urinary system


urinary system

Cortex & medulla microscopically

Medullary Rays / Renal column
urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

Renal papilla
Minor calyx
Major calyx
Pelvicalyceal system

Pelvicalyceal systemlined by special type of epithelium (urothelium)

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

Renal papilla (Area cribrosa)

urinary system

urinary system

Kidney lobe

urinary system

Nephron (functional unit of kidney)

• Renal corpuscle.
• Proximal convoluted tubule(PCT).
• Loop of Henle.
• Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT).

urinary system


urinary system

Cortical & Juxtamedulary Nephrons

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

Renal corpuscleGlomerulus + Bowman’s capsule

urinary system

Bowman’s capsuleParietal layer (simple squamous)visceral layer (podocytes)urinary space

urinary system

Urinary space

urinary system

urinary system

Vascular pole

Urinary pole

urinary system

Bowman’s capsule (EM) Parietal layer Visceral layer (podocytes) Urinary space

urinary system

Afferent & Efferent Arterioles of Glomerulus

urinary system

Glomerulus (EM)

urinary system

urinary system


urinary system

Podocytes (primary 1⁰, secondary2⁰ processes& pedicles)

urinary system

Filtration slits

urinary system

The Filtration(barrier) Blood Urine Barrier EM

urinary system

Blood Urine Barrier (EM)Podocyte PBasement membrane BL (central lamina densa surrounded by two lamina raraEndothelium E

urinary system

Mesangial cells (macrophage of kidney)Adherent to glomerular capillariesstructural support synthesize extracellular matrix

urinary system

urinary system

Mesangial cellsReceptors for (Angiotensin II, ANP).Endocytose and dispose of normal and pathological (immune complex). Produce chemical mediators such as cytokines, prostaglandins, interleukin-1, and platelet-derived growth factor.

urinary system

Proximal Convoluted Tubule PCTbegin at urinary pole

urinary system

Henle’s loop

urinary system

PCT functionReabsorption & Secretion

urinary system

Proximal Convoluted Tubule PCT

urinary system

urinary system

Brush border

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system


urinary system

urinary system

DCT , Henley's loop

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

Juxtaglomerular Apparatus:

urinary system

Macula Densa
urinary system

urinary system

Macula Densa

urinary system

urinary system

Histology of ureter

urinary system

urinary system

urinary system

Urinary bladder epithelium

urinary system

Urinary bladder epithelium (stretched)

urinary system

• The epithelium varies in different parts of the urethra.

• Both in the male and female the greater part of the urethra is lined by stratified columnar and pseudostratified epithelium.
• A short part adjoining the urinary bladder is lined by transitional epithelium.
• while the part near the external orifice is lined by stratified squamous epithelium.

urinary system

Thank you

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