مواضيع المحاضرة: Jaw-relationship III

Horizontal relations

• Centric relation
• Eccentric relation
• Protrusive relation
• Lateral relation
• Left lateral
• Right lateral

• Eccentric relation :- any relation of the mandible to the maxilla other than centric relation
• Protrusive relation:- is the relation of the mandible to maxilla when the mandible is thrust forward


It is the maxillomandibular relationship in Centric jaw relation: the both condyles articulate with the thinnest a vascular portion of their respective disks with the complex in the anterior-superior position against the shapes of the articular eminencies.
It is the position has been difficult to define anatomically but is determined clinically by evaluating when the jaw can hinge on a fixed terminal axis (up to 25 mm).

Horizontal relation



It is a clinically determined relationship of the mandible to the maxilla when the condyle disk assemblies are positioned in their most superior position in the mandibular fossae and against the distal slope of the articular eminence (it is bone-to-bone relationship).
It is restricted to a purely rotary movement about the transverse horizontal axis (GPT-5).


• Horizontal relations:- are relations of mandible to maxilla in a horizontal plane or in antero-posterior direction.
• Centric relation:- the most retruded relation of the mandible to the maxilla when the condyles are in the most posterior unstrained position in the glenoid fossa from which lateral movement can be made, at any given degree of jaw separation It’s a bone relation

Centric occlusion

The occlusion of opposing teeth when the mandible is in centric relation. This may or may not coincide with the maximal intercuspal position (it is tooth-to-tooth relationship dictated by bone to bone relationship).
Maximal intercuspal position: The most complete interdigitation of the teeth independent of condylar position. Hence maximal intercuspation is a maxillomandibular relationship determined by tooth-to-tooth relationship

• Importance of centric jaw relation (Significance)

• It is learnable, repeatable, and recordable position which remains constant throughout life.
• It is a reference position from which the mandible can move to any eccentric position and return back involuntarily.
• It is the start point for developing occlusion.
• Functional movements like chewing and swallowing are performed in this position, because it is the most unstrained position.
• It is a dependable jaw relation, because it is bone to bone relation.

• Needlehouse method
• Patterson method
• Intra oral
• Extra oral
• tactile or inter occlusal check record method
• Pressureless method
• Pressure method
• Other methodse
• Swallowing method


Functional method

• Method utilize the functional movements of jaws to record the centric relation.
• Patient asked to perform border movements such as protrusive and lateral excursion movement.
• Needlehouse method
• In this method used impression compound occlusion rims with four metal styli placed in the maxillary rim. When the patient moves his mandible, the styli on the maxillary rim will create a marking on the mandibular rim, after all mandibular movements are made, and a diamond-shaped pattern is formed. The anterior most point of this diamond pattern indicates the centric jaw relation.




• Maxillary rim made from impression compound with four metal styli inserted.

• Recording the mandibular movements.
• Diamond-shaped marking made on the mandibular rim. (MP maximum protrusion, MLL maximum left lateral, MRL maximum right lateral, CR centric relation).

• b)Patterson method

• In this method used wax occlusion rims.
• A trench (channel) is made along the length of mandibular rim.
• A 1:1 mixture of pumice and dental plaster is loaded into the trench. When the patient moves his mandible, compensating curves on the mixture will produced, and the height of the mixture is also reduced.
• The patient is asked to continue these movements till a predetermined vertical dimension is obtained. Finally the patient is asked to retruded his jaw and the occlusal rims are fixed in this position with metal staples


• Trench made in the mandibular rim.

• Mixture of pumice and dental plaster loaded on the trench.
• Mediolateral compensating curve generated on the mixture.
• Anteroposterior compensating curve generated on the mixture.

The disadvantages of functional methods involve lateral and anteroposterior displacement of the recording bases in relation to the supporting bone while the record is being made.

Graphic method

These methods are called so because they use graphs or tracing to record the centric relation.
The general concept of this technique is that a pen-like pointer is attached to one occlusal rim and a recording plate is placed on the other rim, the plate coated with carbon or wax on which the needle point can make the tracing, when the mandible moves in horizontal plane, the pointer draws characteristic patterns on the recording plate.

The characteristic patterns created on the recording plate is called arrow point tracing, also known as Gothic arch tracing. The apex of the arrow point tracing gives the centric relation, with the two sides of the tracing originating at that point being the limits of the lateral movements. The apex of the arrow head should be sharp else the tracing is incorrect.
The graphic methods are either intraoral or extraoral depending upon the placement of the recording device. The extraoral is preferable to the intraoral tracing, because the extraoral is more accurate, more visible, and larger in comparing with the intraoral tracing.


When the needle point attached to the mandibular record base, the shape of the arrow point tracing appears on the maxillary recording plate as the apex of the arrow point tracing (centric relation) posteriorly; usually in the intraoral method; while in the extraoral method when the plate attached to the mandibular occlusion rim the tracing appears as the apex of the arrow point tracing (centric relation) anteriorly





Physiologic method

• Based on:
• Proprioceptive impulse of patient
• Kinethetic sense of mandibular movement
• Visual perception and sense of touch of patient
• Tactile sense or inter occlusal check record method.
In this method the centric relation is recorded by placing a record medium between the record bases when the jaws positioned at centric relation.
The patient closes into the recording medium with the lower jaw in its most retruded unstrained position and stops the closure at predetermined vertical dimension.

This method is simple, because mechanical devices are not used in the patient mouth and are not attached to the occlusion rims.
This method has advantage of causing minimal displacement of the recording bases in relation to the supporting bone.
This method is essential in making an accurate record, the visual perception and the sense of touch of the dentist also inter in making of centric relation record, this phase is developed with experience and it is difficult to teach to another individual.

• Material used
Impression compound.
Silicon and polyether impression material.
Zinc oxide eugenol paste.
Cold cure acrylic.
Rapid setting dental plaster.
• Indications
• Abnormally related jaws.
• Displaceable flabby tissue.
• Large tongue
• Uncontrolled mandibular movements.
• In patients already using a complete denture

The dentist should guide the patient to the centric relation, not force the patient

• The patient is instructed to let his jaw relax (palpate the temporalis and masseter muscles to relax them), pull it back and close slowly on the back teeth.
• The patient is instructed to get the feeling of pushing his upper jaw out and then close the mouth with back teeth in contact.
• Assist the patient to protrude and retrude the mandible repeatedly with the operator holding the finger lightly against the chin.
• 4. Boo's series of stretch exercise:
• a- Open the mouth wide and relax.
• b- Move the jaw to the left and relax.
• c- Move the jaw to the right and relax.
• d- Move the jaw forward and relax,

Methods To Assisting Patients To Move The Mandible To The Centric Relation

• in series of movements, the results to be expected are for the patient to be able to follow the dentist's directions in moving the jaw to centric relation and the desired eccentric positions.
5. The patient is told to swallow and conclude the act with the occlusal rims in contact. However, the person can swallow when the mandible is not completely retruded. This method must be verified by other technique.
6. The patient can be instructed to turn the tongue towards the posterior border of the upper record base and close the rims together until they meet. The disadvantage with this method is the likelihood of displacing the mandibular record base by the action of the elevated tongue.
7. Tilt the patient head back, the tension of muscles under chin make protrusion more difficult.
8. Exert pressure in molars in both sides and ask the patient to close (molar reflex method).
9. Celluloid strip is placed between the rims and pulled out. Ask the patient to restrain the strip from slipping away; the mandible involuntarily goes to centric relation.





Swallowing method
In this method, soft cones of wax are placed on the lower record base. The wax cones contact the upper occlusion rim when the patient swallows. This procedure is supposed to establish both proper vertical and horizontal relation of mandible to maxilla.

Eccentric jaw relations

It is defined as any relation-ship of the mandible to the maxilla other than the centric relation.
It includes protrusive and lateral relations. The main reason in making an eccentric jaw relation record is to adjust the horizontal and lateral condylar inclination in the adjustable articulator, and to establish the balanced occlusion.
The protrusive and left and right lateral movements records are made in the same manner as for centric relation record and these include:

Functional or chew in methods.

Graphic methods.
Physiological methods (tactile or inter-occlusal check record method).

The interocclusal eccentric records may be made either on the occlusion rim before the teeth are set up or on the posterior teeth at the try-in appointment.
When the protrusive eccentric record is made on Hanau articulator, the following formula is used to obtain an acceptable lateral inclination.
L= H/8+12
H: horizontal condyle inclination in degrees as established by the protrusive relation record
L: lateral inclination in degrees as obtained from the formula

Factors to be considered while making eccentric jaw relation

The condylar path of the patient cannot be altered.
The condyles do not travel in straight lines during eccentric mandibular jaw movements.
Semi-adjustable articulators in which the condyles travel on a flat path cannot be used to reproduced eccentric movements exactly.
Fully-adjustable articulators, where the condylar and incisal guidance are fabricated individually with acrylic, can travel in the path of the condyle using pantographic tracings.

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المشاهدات: لقد قام 8 أعضاء و 620 زائراً بقراءة هذه المحاضرة

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