
Fifth stage

د.محمد نزار


Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
It is also called epiphysiolysis .
It is uncommon .
It occur in children going through the pubertal growth spurt .
It affect boys more than girls .
Age incidence 14 -16 years old .
Left hip affected more than the right .
The slip occur through the growth plate .
The aetiological factors are :
1- hormonal imbalance .
2- trauma .
In 50% of the cases there is history of trauma .
The patient usually a child around puberty ,typically over weight , or very tall and thin.
1 – pain is the presenting symptom , usually it is in the groin or the thigh or even at the knee .
It come’s in attacks exaggerated by exercise
2 – limping , it is more constant .
1 – the leg is externally rotated .
2 – shortening 1 – 2 cm .
3 – limitation of flexion , abduction and internal rotation .
4 – the classical sign is increase external rotation as the hip is flexed .

slipped epiphysis


1 – in early stage it is normal and the patient should be followed up later on by x – ray if the symptoms persist .
2 – in anteroposterior view a line drawn along the superior surface of the neck remain superior to the head instead of passing through it (trethowan’s) sign
3 – in lateral view the femoral epiphysis is tilted back ward and this can be detected by measuring the angle between the axis of the femoral neck and the epiphyseal base , this normally 90* (right angle) , if it is less than 87* it mean the epiphysis is tilted posteriorly .

slipped epiphysis


The aim of the treatment :
1 – preserve the epiphyseal blood supply .
2 – to stabilize the physis .
3 – to correct any residual deformity .
4 – to prevent further slipping .
1 - Manipulation under anesthesia is very dangerous because it may lead to avascular necrosis of the head of the femur .
2 – surgical treatment for fixation of the epiphysis by pins or screws carry better prognosis .

slipped epiphysis

slipped epiphysis

Pyogenic arthritis of the hip

It can occur in any age even in newly born baby , and usually seen in children under two years old .The causative micro organism is staph . aures , and it reach the joint either directly from distant focus by blood or by local spread from osteomyelitis of the femur .
The head of the femur at this age is cartilaginous , so the treatment should be start early , other wise it will be completely destroyed by the proteolytic enzymes of the bacteria and pus . Adult also may develop pyogenic hip infection either as primary events e.g. debilitation or more often secondary to invasive procedure around the hip .


The child look acutely ill , feverish, dehydrated and he is in pain , but the site of the pain is not clearly marked .
The patient resist any movement of the joint , but with careful examination we can detect the site of maximum tenderness over the hip joint .
In newly born baby the infection come usually from infected umbilical vein ; the baby look ill some time no fever and no cause is apparent , so in this condition we should think for deep sepsis
1 – x –ray :
It is of little value:
A – some time it show soft tissue swelling .
B – show displacement of the femoral head laterally .
2 – ultrasound : it is helpful in detection joint effusion .
3 – blood invest. :
A – increase ESR .
B – increase WBC count mainly polymorph .
C – increase C REACTIVE protein .

slipped epiphysis

4 - The diagnosis is difficult , and it can be confirmed by aspiration of pus or fluid from the joint and send it to culture and sensitivity


1 – intravenous antibiotic should be given as soon as the diagnosis is settled (anti staph.) .
2 – when pus come out during aspiration , anterior arthrotomy should be done , washing of the joint , local antibiotic , then close the wound without drain .
3 – skin traction is applied until the activity of the disease is subside .


1 – destruction of the head and neck of the femur and this lead some time to pathological dislocation of the hip , bony ankylosis .
2 – secondary osteoarthritis .

slipped epiphysis


It can started as synovitis or osteomyelitis of the femur, then start the arthritis and this cause destruction of the joint and some time pathological dislocation .
Healing of this lesion leaves a fibrous ankylosis with considerable limb shortening and deformity

The condition start insidiously : pain in the groin and thigh , limping .
Later on the pain become more sever and may awake the patient from sleep .
In early stage of the disease (synovitis or osteomyelitis) the patient keep his limb flexed and abducted , the extreme of all movements are restricted and painful .
Until x ray changes appear the diagnosis is very difficult and the hip remain irritable .
If arthritis supervenes the hip become flexed , adducted and internally rotated , muscle wasting become obvious and all movements are grossly limited by pain and spasm .
X – ray
1 – earliest changes is general rarefaction with normal joint space and outline .
2 – in stage of arthritis in addition to rarefaction there is destruction of the acetabular roof (wondering acetabulum) ; or there is destruction of the femoral head or usually both and all these will lead to pathological dislocation and fibrous ankylosis .

TB. LT . Hip (marked osteoporosis)

1 – anti tuberculous drugs are essentials .
2 – skin traction is applied .
3 – if there is absces it should be evacuated.
4 – if the joint has been destroyed then arthrodesis may be necessary ; but after all signs of the activity of the disease are subside ; and not before 14 years old .
5 - In older patient with residual pain and deformity , and if the disease activity is subside for long time then total hip replacement is advisable .


1 – in early disease , if properly treated there will be complete healing and normal hip .
2 – if articular surface is damaged ; this lead to fibrous joint .
In untreated cases there will be :
A – shortening .
B – fixed flexion deformity .
C – adduction deformity

Outcome of untreated TB hip

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