
Genus ProteusGenus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Mohammed Ameer

Genus Proteus
Microscopical appearance
Gram negative bacilli,pleomorphic.
Actively motile.
Non- capsulated.

Cultural characteristics

Grow on ordinary media.
Swarming growth on non-inhibitory media.
Swarming is inhibited on MacConkey's agar & increase agar content.
Non lactose fermentor, transparent colonies.
Fishy smell.
H2S producer.
P. mirabilis K/A H2S+
P. vulgaris K/A Gas+ H2S+

Swarming growth
Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Biochemical reactions

1. IMViC Test : v+-v
2. Urease test

Urea ammonia +CO2+ pH

Genus Proteus: +ve


Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Phenylalanine phenyl pyruvic acid

Phenylalanine Agar

Addition of 10% ferric chloride(5 drops)

+ve Dark Green color on surface

of slant
- ve No color change

Genus Proteus : +ve

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

3.Phenyl alanine deaminase test (Guthrie test)

phenyl alanine deaminase
incubation 24hrs.

Genus Pseudomonas

Gram negative bacilli
Actively Motile
Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Cultural characteristics

2-4 mm, convex & opaque
Sweet musty odor, grape-like
Produce pigments :
• Fluorescein (yellow green).
• Pyocyanin (blue green).
• Pyorubin (dark red )
• Pyomelanin (dark brown)

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas



Cetrimide Agar
Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Cetrimide agar is a highly selective medium for pseudomonas species due to presences of cetrimide which inhibits the growth of other bacteria.
It contain also Mgcl2 & K2so4 to facilitate production the green pigment of pseudomonas.

Biochemical reactions

Utilize glucose
Catalase test :+ve
Oxidase test :+ve
IMViC Test : - - - +
TSI: k (slant), K( butt)

Oxidation /Fermentation (O/F) Test

To determine the ability of bacteria to breakdown glucose oxidative or fermentive.
O/F medium (Hugh and Leifson Medium) is formulated to detect weak acids produced from saccharolytic M.O.
O/F medium contain:
Sugar (glucose 1%)
Low percentage of Agar and Pepton.
pH indicator (Bromothymol blue)
Alkaline Blue
Neutral Green
Acidic Yellow

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Motility test

• A. Brownian movement
B. True motility
1. Wet preparation
2. Hanging drop preparation
3. Semi solid medium
Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas


Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

Genus Proteus & Genus Pseudomonas

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