
Emergency dental kit

D. Gassan y hamed

Life –threatening medical emergencies may occur in the dental environment .The dentist must be prepared to recognized & properly manage patient of medical emergencies in the dental office .

Emergency dental kit

Emergency dental kit

Emergency dental kit

Dentist should have training in the prevention , recognition & management of common emergencies like seizures , cardiovascular & respiratory distress , altered consciousness , chest pain & drugs related emergencies .


It is indicated in
*anaphylactic shock (type one hypersensitivity ) precipitated by any material or drugs
*acute asthmatic attack
*cardiac arrest
Emergency dental kit

• *

it is available in concentration of 1:1000 for IM & subcutaneous
Volume of 1:1000
300 mg
0.3 ml
2-3 years
500 mg
0.5 ml
6 years
500-1000 mg
0.5-1 ml
• Mode of action of adrenaline
• -contraction of vascular smooth muscle so increase the blood pressure
• -increase the cardiac out put
• -relaxation of the bronchial muscle lead to re-establish airflow
• -inhibition of histamine release
It is contraindicated for pregnant because it will lead to decrease in the placental blood flow & may induce premature labour.

*Antihistamine (diphenhydramine , chlorpheniramine )

Antihistaminic drugs are useful in the treatment of the delayed allergic reaction & act as a competitive antagonist of histamine . The mode of action of these drugs by prevent access of histamine to it is receptor site in the cell
Emergency dental kit

Emergency dental kit

• Potential side effect of most antihistamines is a degree of cortical depression which causes sedation therefore chlorpheniramine is preferred
• over diphenhydramine as it has less sedative effect .

these drugs may given orally ,IM . subcutaneous & IV 4mg in adult (4-6) time daily . The maximum dose 24 mg daily
Emergency dental kit

Emergency dental kit

Emergency dental kit

Emergency dental kit


It is the most important drug in the emergency kit Oxygenation prevent hypoxia that may be damaging the vital organs such as brain & heart

Administration :

-ensuring airway patency before oxygen is delivered -the airway may be re-established by using the head tilt & chin lift
-oropharyngeal airway may be used in the unconscious patient
-Face mask with an attached oxygen supply running at flow rate between 4-6/ mint

Emergency dental kit

*Nitroglycerine & Amyl nitrate

It is used as coronary vasodilators & immediate management of chest pain

Emergency dental kit

Emergency dental kit

Administration : sublingual tablet (300micrograme) spry (400micrograme)

Side effect :
• -sudden hypotension
• -headache & postural hypotension
• -flashing of face
• -tachycardia
• - tolerance is developed rapidly
• - unstable drug in tablet form

*Anticonvulsant ( diazepam , midazolam )

Convulsion may occur due to overdose or toxicity to the local anaesthesia , epileptic & febrile convulsion .

• Dose :

• midazolam 5mg/ml in 1, 2,5 & 10 ml vial
• Diazepam 5mg/ml in 2ml ampoules
Emergency dental kit

Side effect : respiratory depression & arrest , however with proper titration during administration this unlikely to occur

It is indicated in unconscious hypoglycemic patient(less than 2.5 mmol/l) . glucagon increase plasma glucose by stimulating glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis in liver . An additional action is inhibition of glycogen synthesis & glucose oxidation .
Administration : in adult 1mg IM
In children up to 12 years 0.5mg IM
Antihypoglycemic: glucagon

Emergency dental kit


It is indicated in asthmatic patient & patient with allergic reaction manifested primarily by respiratory difficulty
Salbutamol is administrated by inhalation to produce the most rapid onset of action & minimize the overdose effect .

• .

Emergency dental kit

Hydrocortisone Dexamethasone:

These exogenous hydrocortisone should be administrated preoperatively to patient have adrenal insufficiency to prevent adrenal crisis & restore the normal physiological response to stress
Corticosteroid is indicated in

acute allergic reaction

prevention of recurrent episode of anaphylaxis

The dose varies according to the age &
situation ( 25-200 mg).
It is contraindicated in person of pre-existing
infection , peptic ulcer & diabetic mellitus
Emergency dental kit

• Atropine:

It is a parasympathetic blocking agent , it is recommended for the management of symptomatic bradycardia

Atropin acts to mantain adequate cardiac output & cerebral circulation . Large dose of atropine produce clinical signs of overdose which include hot dry skin , eadache , dry mouth , disorientation & hallucination . Atropine is contraindicated in glaucoma . It is available in 0.5 mg /ml in 1ml vial

Emergency dental kit

Aromatic ammonia

It is strong respiratory stimulant . It is available in silver gray vaporole which is crushed & placed under the victim's nose until respiratory is effected . It stimulate the respiratory & vasomotor centre of the medulla . it is indicated in vasodepressor syncope , respiratory depression & contraindicated in asthma


These drugs should be included only by those dentist who have complete the course in ACLS . Essential ACLS drugs include epinephrine , oxygen , lidocain , atropine , dopamine , morphine sulphate & verapamil .

* Lidocain is considered the primary antidysrhythmic drug that developed after myocardial infarction. Over dose of lidocaine produce myocardial ,circulatory & CNS depression.

Emergency dental kit

* Dopamine is a chemical precursor of norepinephrin . in large dose stimulate both the ( Alfa & Beta ) adrenergic receptor . At lower dose dilate renal , mesenteric & cerebral arteries . It is also indicated in hypotension in the absence of hypovolmia . It is available in 200mg ,400mg , 800mg in 5ml ampole
Emergency dental kit

Morfine sulphat –meperidine *

These drugs are indicated for analgesia . the side effect of these drugs are potent central nervous & respiratory system depression .
They are contraindicated in head injury . Dose: morfine is available 8, 10, 15 mg/ml

Meperidine is come in 50, 100 mg/ml

* Verapamil it is calcium channel blocker drug . it is indicated in emergency cardiac care in treatment of paroxysmal supraventrcular tachycardia . It is available for injection as 25mg/ml in 2ml & 4ml.
Emergency dental kit

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