
Minor Connectors

Minor Connectors
Connects components to the major connector
Direct retainer
Indirect retainer

Minor connector

Minor connector

Minor connector

Requirements of minor connector:

1.sufficient rigidity . Like the major connector, the minor connector must have sufficient bulk to be rigid to transmit forces between the linked components.

2. must not impinge on marginal gingival tissues. Slight relief is required when crossing the gingival margin especially in tooth-mucosa borne dentures.
Minor connector

Minor connector

3.Minor connectors should be located at least 5mm from other vertical components.

Minor connector

Functions of Minor Connectors

1. Unification and rigidity

2. Stress distribution

3. Bracing through contact with guiding planes
4. Maintain a path of insertion

Types of Minor Connectors

Embrasure Minor Connectors
Between two adjacent teeth

Minor connector

Minor connector

Embrasure Minor Connectors

Triangular shaped in cross section
Joins major connector at right angles
Relief placed so connector not directly on soft tissue

Minor connector

Minor connector

Minor connector

Proximal minor connector:Those that join the clasp assembly to the major connector.If the minor connector is located on a proximal surface of a tooth adjacent to edentulous areas, it should be broad buccolingually to provide strength but thin mesiodistally to minimize encroachment on the saddle area.
Minor connector

mesial and distal minor connectors and proximal plates adjacent to the edentulous areas should swing back to join the major connector in a rounded acute angle in order to increase gingival exposure.
Minor connector

Latticework construction,

Mesh construction,
Bead, wire, or nail-head minor connectors .
Minor connector

Minor connector

Gridwork minor connectors that connect the denture base and teeth to the major connector.

Gridwork Minor Connectors

Open lattice work

mesh types

Minor connector

Mesh type
Potentially more rigid
Less retention for acrylic if openings are small

Minor connector

Lattice Type

Potentially superior retention
Interferes with setting of teeth, if struts are too thick
This type can be relined easily after ridge resorption.

Bead, wire, or nail-head minor connectors

no relief is provided for this type of minor connector.
It cannot be relined if ridge resorption takes place. It should be used on tooth-supported ridges.

Gridwork Relief

Minor connector

Minor connector

Usually one thickness of baseplate wax is about
1 mm of relief sufficient

the space provided by the relief wax is available for the mechanical retention of the acrylic resin

The minor connector for the mandibular distal extension base should extend posteriorly about two-thirds the length of the edentulous ridge and should have elements on both lingual and buccal surfaces.

Minor connector

Mandibular Gridwork Design

Minor connector

Minor connectors for maxillary distal extension denture bases should extend the entire length of the residual ridge and should be of a ladderlike and loop design.

Those that serve as an approach arm for a vertical projection or bar-type clasp.

Minor connector

Finishing Lines

The junction of gridworks to the major connector should be in the form of a butt joint with a slight undercut in the metal. The angle formed by the metal at this juncture must not be greater than 90 degrees.
Minor connector

If these butt joints occur on the outer aspect of the major connector they are called external finish lines; if they are on the internal or tissue side of the major connector ,they are internal finish lines .

Angle the finish line forms with major connector – less than 90 degree.

Minor connector

Minor connector

Minor connector

Minor connector

Finish line located too far medially– natural contour of palate altered by thickness of acrylic Too far buccally– difficult to create a natural contour of acrylic resin on lingual surface of artificial teeth
Minor connector

90-degree butt-type joints

Minor connector

Tissue stop : a small projection of metal at the distal end of an extension base frame that contacts the cast and prevents downward movement of the plastic retention area during packing with resin
Minor connector

Closure of the flask under hydraulic pressure cancauses distortion of the framework, pushing ittissue ward.

Minor connector

Minor connector


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