
Operative Dentistry

Dr. Samira Jameel Juhi
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Dental caries

Infectious microbiologic disease that results in localized dissolution and destruction of the calcified tissues of the teeth.

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Carious lesions originating

1-Enamel pits and fissures,
2-Enamel smooth surfaces, or
3-Root surfaces.
4-Around existing restorations.

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Caries of pits and fissure origin

The caries forms small area of penetration in the enamel at the bottom of a pit or fissure
and does not spread laterally to a great extent until the DEJ is reached.
May be represented as two cones, base to base.

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Dental caries_1

Dental caries_1

Caries of enamel smooth surfaces origin

Also pictured as a cone,
But its base on the enamel surface and the apex directed to DEJ.
The caries again spreads at this DEJ spreads as in enamel contacts double inverted cone.

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Tooth preparation
Mechanical alteration of a defective , Injured, or diseased tooth to best receive a restorative material that will reestablish a healthy state for the tooth with normal form and function.
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Objectives of tooth preparation

-To remove diseased tissue as necessary.
-To restore the integrity of tooth surface.
-To restore the function of the tooth.
-To restore the appearance of the tooth

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Tooth Preparation Terminology

-Simple one tooth surface involved.
Compound two tooth surface involved.
Abbreviation description of tooth preparation
O: Occlusal surface
MO, DO : Occlusal and mesial or distal surfaces.
MOD: Mesial, occlusal and distal surfaces.

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Tooth preparation walls

Internal Wall: prepared surface that does not extend to the external tooth surface.
1-Axial wall : parallel with long axis of the tooth.
2-Pulpal Wall : perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth and occlusal of the pulp.
External Wall: external wall is prepared surface that extends to the external tooth surface.

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Tooth Preparation Angles

Line Angle: junction of two plane surfaces of different orientation along a line.
Point Angle: junction of three plane surfaces of different orientation.
Cavosurface Angle : angle formed by junction of prepared wall and external surface of the tooth.
Proximal surface: surface face adjacent tooth.
Marginal ridge: border the lingual surface of anterior teeth and occlusal surface of posterior teeth

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Classification of tooth preparation presented by G. V. Black

Class I: Pit and fissure lesion.
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Class V
Class `VI
Smooth surface lesions

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G.V.Black principles for cavity preparation
Outline form.
Resistance form.
Retention form.
Convenience form.
Removal of remaining caries
Finish enamel walls
Clean cavity preparation

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Dental caries_1

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