
Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Lymphatic levels
Neck mass

Neck mass

Differential diagnosis

• A. Middle neck mass
• a: 1- congenital
• - thyroglossal cyst
• - dermoid cyst
• - thymic tumor
• a: 2- cx. Lymphadenopathy:
• - inflammatory
• - neoplastic( metastasis)

a: 3- neoplasm:

-isthmus swelling
- malignant:
- thyroid ca.
a: 4- inflammations:
thyroiditis, infected
thyroglossal cyst

B.Lateral neck mass
B: 1- cong. :
lat. Thyroglossal cyst
B: 2- developmental:
- branchial cyst
- laryngocoele
-pharyngeal pouch cyst
B: 3- swelling related to the gland :
= sialadenitis
= stone
= tumor
- thyroid gland --goitor ,tumor.

B: 4- parapharyngeal tumors parotid tail, carotid body tumor

B : 5-soft tissue swelling (ludwig`s angina)
B: 6- cx. Lymphadinitis
-acute( URTI)
-chronic(tb,syph. AIDS)
B: 7- cx. Ln . Tumor
B: 8- sternocledomastoid muscle tumor
B: 9 – cx. rib

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass


• LAB. :
• -throat swab for c/s ,KLB
• -tub.t
• -serologic tests for HIV,CMV, EBV.
• RAD: - CXR u/ss CT.scan ,MRI ,MRA,PETscan
• Thyroid function tests
• F.N.AC , AFB, culture aerobic &anaerobic)

Neck mass

Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy

Any neck mass that is not an obvious abscess
Persistence after a 2 week course of antibiotics

Neck mass


• Present of signs& symptoms of malignancy
• Persist lymphadenopathy
• DX. Remain in dout.

Neck mass

Neck mass

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst

Most common congenital neck mass (70%)
50% present before age 20
Midline (90%).
Usually just inferior to hyoid bone (65%)
Painless unless infected.
Elevates on swallowing/protrusion of tongue
Treatment is surgical removal (Sis trunk) after resolution of any infection

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst

Neck mass

Neck mass

Branchial Cleft Cysts

Branchial cleft anomalies
2nd cleft most common (95%) – tract medial to CnXII between internal and external carotid aa.
Most common as smooth, fluctuant mass underlying the SCM
Skin erythema and tenderness if infected
Initial control of infection
Surgical excision, including tract

Branchial Cleft Cysts
Neck mass

Neck mass


More common in children and young adults
Up to 80% of children with Hodgkin’s have a neck mass
Signs and symptoms
Lateral neck mass only (discrete, rubbery, nontender)
Diffuse adenopathy
Neck mass


FNAC – first line diagnostic test
If suggestive of lymphoma – open biopsy
Full workup – CT scans of chest, abdomen, head and neck; bone marrow biopsy

Vascular Tumors
Lymphangiomas and hemangiomas

Hemangiomas often resolve spontaneously, while lymphangiomas remain unchanged

CT/MRI may help define extent of disease

Neck mass

Neck mass

Vascular Tumors

Neck mass

Neck mass


Cystic hygroma

Neck mass

Neck mass

Neck mass

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