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Dr. Mohamed Ghalib

Internal Medicine





Aplastic Anemia

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Aplastic anemia (AA) is a rare disorder characterized by 
pancytopenia with a markedly hypocellular bone marrow. This 
disease was first described in 1888 by Paul Ehrlich, who 
observed that autopsy bone marrow specimens from a young 
woman who died of severe anemia and neutropenia were 
extremely hypoplastic.

Later studies demonstrated that patients with severe AA 
possessed only a fraction of normal pluripotent stem cell 
numbers despite normal functional marrow stromal cells and 
normal or even elevated levels of stimulatory cytokines.

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The incidence of AA ranges from 1 to 5 cases per million people in the 
general population. 

It occurs predominantly in young adults (20 to 25 years old) and older 
adults (60 to 65 years old).

The incidence is threefold higher in developing countries (e.g., Thailand 
and China) compared with industrialized Western nations (e.g., Europe 
and USA), a fact that is not explained by differences in drug or radiation 

A few AA cases occur in the context of a congenital bone marrow failure 

disorder, such as Fanconi’s anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, and 
dyskeratosis congenita. 

The most common congenital AA, Fanconi’s anemia, is an autosomal
recessive disorder arising from mutations in genes encoding DNA repair 

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Primary idiopathic acquired aplastic

This is a rare disorder in Europe and North America, with 2–4 new cases 
per million population per annum. The disease is much more common in 
certain other parts of the world, e.g. east Asia. The basic problem is 
failure of the pluripotent stem cells because of an autoimmune attack, 
producing hypoplasia of the bone marrow with a pancytopenia in the 
blood. The diagnosis rests on exclusion of other causes of secondary 
aplastic anaemia and rare congenital causes, such as Fanconi’s anaemia.

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Secondary aplastic anaemia

That is occur secondary to ecposure to an offending drug or 

It is important to check the reported side-effects of all drugs taken 

over the preceding months. 

In some instances, the cytopenia is more selective and affects only 
one cell line, most often the neutrophils. Frequently, this is an 
incidental finding, with no ill health. It probably has an immune 
basis but this is difficult to prove.

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The known causes of acquired AA are numerous and range from 
myeloablative radiation exposure to common viruses and 
medications. Prior bone marrow toxicity from drugs, chemicals 
(e.g., benzene, cyclic hydrocarbons found in petroleum products, 
rubber glue, insecticides, chemical dyes), or radiation 
predisposes to AA because these agents directly injure 
proliferating and differentiating HSCs by inducing DNA damage.

In contrast, cytotoxic chemotherapy (especially with alkylating
agents) and radiation therapy target all rapidly cycling cells and 
often induce reversible bone marrow aplasia.

Despite the many causes of acquired AA, most cases are 


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Acquired and congenital AAs appear to be etiologically linked through 
abnormal telomere maintenance. Telomeres are repeated nucleotide 
sequences that cap and protect chromosome ends from degradation. Cell 
division leads to normal telomere erosion;

when telomeres reach a critically short length, cells cease to proliferate, 
senesce, and undergo apoptosis, often with accompanying DNA damage 
and genomic instability. Telomerase enzyme in normal HSCs preserves 
long telomeres and promotes quiescence and a prolonged cellular 
lifespan. Patients with autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita have 
mutations in the genes for telomerase complexes, predisposing to 
premature aging and enhanced marrow failure in the setting of 
accelerated telomere shortening. One third of patients with acquired AA 
also have short telomeres, likely due to a combination of genetic, 
environmental, and epigenetic factors.

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Autoreactive host lymphocytes can destroy normal hematopoiesis in 
AA. Bone marrow stromal cells and cytokine levels in patients with 
AA are normal. 

The fact that AA also occurs in diseases of immune dysregulation and 
after viral infections further suggests an immune-mediated 
mechanism for the disease. One hypothesis is that drug or viral 
antigens presented to the immune system trigger cytotoxicT-cell 
responses that persist and destroy normal stem cells.

Only 1 in 100,000 patients develops severe AA as an idiosyncratic 

drug reaction. Whether these individuals have a genetically 
predisposed sensitivity to common exposures (e.g., nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonamides, Epstein-Barr virus) is 

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Clinical Presentation

The clinical onset of AA can be insidious or abrupt. Patients often 
complain of symptoms related to their cytopenias: weakness, fatigue, 
dyspnea, or palpitations resulting from anemia; gingival bleeding, 
epistaxis, petechiae, or purpura caused by low platelet counts; or 
recurrent bacterial infections caused by low or nonfunctioning 

Results of the physical examination are often normal except in 

patients with congenital AA, who may have various abnormalities.

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Patients present with symptoms of bone marrow failure, usually anaemia
or bleeding, and less commonly, infections.

An FBC demonstrates pancytopenia, low reticulocytes and often 


Bone marrow aspiration and trephine reveal hypocellularity. The severity 
of aplastic anaemia is graded according to the Camitta criteria

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Diagnostic confirmation of AA requires bone marrow biopsy to 
confirm hypocellularity and to rule out other marrow processes.

Normal bone marrow cellularity ranges from 30% to 50% up to 
age 70 years and is less than 20% after 70 years of age. 

In contrast, bone marrow cellularity in patients with AA usually 
ranges from 5% to 15%, with increased fat accumulation and few 
or no hematopoietic cells (primarily plasma cells and 

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In AA, hematopoietic progenitor and precursor 
cells are morphologically normal but number 
less than 1% of normal levels, and they are 
markedly dysfunctional, with a decreased 
ability to form differentiated progenitor cell 
colonies in vitro. 

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Treatment of AA is based on the severity of disease. Patients with mild 
cytopenias can be monitored expectantly. However, patients with 
severe AA based on peripheral blood cells counts (i.e., neutrophil count 
<500/μL, platelet count <20,000/μL, anemia with corrected 
reticulocyte count <1%, and marrow cellularity of 5% to 10%) have a 
poor median survival of 2 to 6 months without treatment. 

Because most of these patients die of overwhelming infections, 
supportive care with broadspectrum antibiotics, antifungal agents, and 
antiviral agents is warranted for those with advanced neutropenia. Red 
blood cell and platelet transfusions can help patients who are 
profoundly symptomatic, along with care given to patients eligible for 

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The curative treatment for patients under 35 years of age with 
severe idiopathic aplastic anaemia is allogeneic HSCT if there is 
an available sibling donor. Older patients (35–50) may be 
candidates if they have no comorbidities. Those with a compatible 
sibling donor should proceed to transplantation as soon as 
possible; they have a 75–90% chance of long-term cure.

Although long-term survival is excellent for patients younger 
than 30 years transplanted from a sibling donor (75% to 90%), 
morbidity due to the transplant itself and the management of 
long-term complications are continuing problems.

Outcomes for patients older than 40 years or patients without 

an HLA-matched related donor are poor.

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In older patients and those without a suitable donor, 
immunosuppressive therapy (IST) with anti-thymocyte globulin 
(ATG) and ciclosporin is the treatment of choice and gives 5-year 
survival rates of 75%.

Unrelated donor allografts are considered for suitable patients 

who fail immunosuppressive therapy .

Side effects of ATG include anaphylaxis and serum sickness as a 
result of foreign antigens in the antisera, but these adverse effects 
usually are self-limited.

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Patients often relapse, and recurrence of disease may warrant 
retreatment with ATG, androgens, and newer 
immunosuppressive agents. Alemtuzumab, a humanized 
monoclonal antibody directed against the CD52 protein found on 
lymphocytes and which has efficacy in other autoimmune 
diseases, has been as effective as rabbit ATG and cyclosporine in 
relapsed and refractory severe AA. 

Eltrombopag, an oral thrombopoietin receptor agonist (TPO) 
mimetic drug that stimulates platelet production by binding to 
MPL receptors on megakaryocytes, is an exciting agent for the 
treatment of severe AA patients. Almost one half of patients 
treated with eltrombopag exhibited clinically significant 
responses in all three hematopoietic lineages, with normalization 
of bone marrow cellularity and trilineage hematopoiesis.

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Treatment of AA with traditional chemotherapy such as highdose
cyclophosphamide usually has proved too toxic.

Because endogenous cytokine production is usually high in 

patients with AA, the routine use of growth factors such as G-CSF, 
EPO, or stem cell factor typically is ineffective. However, in 
patients with refractory disease, long-term administration of 
combination cytokines may have some effect in sustaining blood 
cell counts.

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Non-transplanted patients may relapse and patients who survive 
initial treatment of AA remain at increased risk for the 
emergence of other primary hematologic disorders, such as 
myelodysplasia, leukemia, and paroxysmal nocturnal 
hemoglobinuria (PNH) for unknown reasons.

Patients with aplastic anaemia must be followed up long-term.

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