

Medical Parasitology (endoparasites)
Class : Flagellata


Prof. Dr. Amal KH. KH.

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Medical Parasitology (endoparasites)
Flagellata : Hemoflagellates


Morphological forms

The haemoflagellates occur in various morphological forms . these forms . these forms are :


Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Typical morphology

L. tropica : C. Leishmaniasis (Bagdad boil , oriental sore )

L. braziliensis : Muco-cutaneous Leishmaniasis ( espundia , uta )

L. donovani : visceral Leishmaniasis ( Kala-azar , Dum-Dum fever )

L. tropica
L. tropica Minor :
L. tropica major
Cutaneous leishmaniasis
Baghdad boil , Oriental sore


Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Pathology & Clinical manifestation

Formation of Baghdad boil

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Comparison between :

• -L. tropica minor: (causes dry sore or urban Cutaneous leishmaniasis).
• Produce chronic disease that if not treated, lasts for year or longer.
• with 2month – 3year incubation period
• It is characterized by the production of dry lesions that ulcerate only after several months .
• The lesions occur primarily on the face.
• The lesions are dry and non ulcerated.
• It is found in urban areas, it is found in Iraq and around the
• The dog may be a natural host.

L. tropica major: (causes wet sore or rural Cutaneous leishmaniasis).

Produces an acute infection with duration of 3-6 months.
With as little as 2 weeks incubation period.
The lesions occur primarily on the lower limb.
The lesions are moist and tend to ulcerate very early.
There may be secondary or satellite lesions.
It is primarily a disease of rural areas.
Reservoir hosts (Rodents) are important source of human infection.



Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Muco- cutaneous lei.

Species of Trichomonas


Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Species of Trichomonas

Assist. Prof. Dr. Amal KH. KH.

PhD. Medical Parasitology

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