مواضيع المحاضرة: branches of aorta

Begininng :-enters the abdomen through the aortic opening..at T12 .

Course:-it descends downward & vertically …on the ant.surface of bodies of lumbar vertebrae…at the level of L4 it divides into two common iliac arteries.

Abdominal aorta

Ant:-median arcuate ligament…ceiliac trunk..lesser omentum…sup.mesenteric artery..head of pancreas…uncinate process…3rd part of duodenum…root of mesentery of small intestine..Lt renal vein…splenic vein…inf.mesenteric vein…parietal peritoneum.
Post:-lumbar vertebrae & intervertebral discs..3rd & 4th lumbar veins.
Note :-1st & 2nd lumbar veins on Rt side unites to form azygous vein..on left side they form hemi azygous vein.
On each side:-sympathetic chain+crura of diaphragm.
On Rt side:-inf.vena cava…azygous vein..cisterna chyli.
On Lt side:-4th part of duodenum..head of pancreas

abominal aorta anatomy from snell

4th part of duodenum

3rd part of duodenum
Ceiliac trunk
head of pancreas
Sup.mesenteric artery & vein
Ant relation of aorta

abominal aorta anatomy from snell

حتى بالجثه هالشكل ^___^

1)visceral (ant)branches:-ceiliac …sup.mesenteric….inf.mesenteric.
2)visceral(lat)branches:-renal..suprarenal…testicular or ovarian vein.
3)abdominal branches:-4 lumbar arteries…inf.phrenic artery.
4)terminal branches:-two common iliac arteries…median sacral artery.
Note :-median sacral artery arises from back of aorta on L5 ..gives branches to rectum.
Note :-inf.phrenic artery lies on L1.

abominal aorta anatomy from snell

abominal aorta anatomy from snell

abominal aorta anatomy from snell

Notes on last pic:-

**Rt 1st & 2nd lumbar veins unite to form the Rt ascending lumbar vein… subcostal vein …azygous vein ..intercostal veins…SVC..Rt atrium of heart.
**Lt 1st & 2nd lumbar veins…Lt ascending lumbar veins..subcostal vein..hemiazygous veins…intercostal veins..
Note :-thoracic duct crosses from Rt to Lt .(imp)
Note :-renal artery arises in L2.
Note :-aorta lies 2cm above transpyloric plane (L1).
& 2cm below umbilicus.
Note :-gonadal arteries Rt :-lies deep to 3rd part of duodenum..on inf.vena cava psoas…genitofemoral nerve.
In Lt side there is no inf.vena cava.

abominal aorta anatomy from snell

Renal arises med…gonadal lat.

Passes on psoas …genitofemoral n.

Int.iliac artery :-

abominal aorta anatomy from snell

رفعت المحاضرة من قبل: Ruqaya Falah
المشاهدات: لقد قام 9 أعضاء و 519 زائراً بقراءة هذه المحاضرة

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