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Hematology Lec.3 Haemolytic Anaemias 


Shortening of red cell survival with premature red cell death. 

When  the  life  span  of  the  red  cells  is  shortened  to  less  than  20  days,  Hb  drops  and 

anaemia  develops  (Haemolytic  anaemia  ),  with  longer  life  spans  the  marrow  can 

compensate  by  hyperactivity  &/or  expansion  keeping  Hb  within  normal  limits 

(Compensated haemolysis ) 


❖  H. Anaemias due to intrinsic red cell defects  
❖  H. Anaemias due to extrinsic defects: 

•  Haemolysis  is  called  intravascular  when  RBCs  are  destroyed  in  the 

circulation,  while  it  is  called  extravascular  when  destruction  occurs  by  the 

cells of the RES in the( spleen, liver & B.M ). 

General Features of Haemolysis 

❖  Features due to Hb degradation: 

•  Indirect hyperbilirubinaemia ( clinically; Jaundice, gall stones ) 
•  Hyperurobilinogenuria 
•  Splenomegaly 
•  Iron overload 

❖  Featurs due to marrow compensation: 

•  Reticulocytosis 
•  Skeletal abnormalities due to marrow expansion. 
•  Folate deficiency. 

❖  Features specific of intravascular haemolysis: 

•  Haemoglobinaemia & hypohaptoglobinaemia. 
•  Haemoglobinurea & haemosiderinuria. 

Hereditary Spherocytisis ) HS ) 

A hereditary haematological disorder characterized by: 

❖  Autosomal dominant inheritance. 
❖  Excessive red cell fragility. 
❖  Microspherocytes in the peripheral blood. 
❖  Reticulocytosis 
❖  Marked improvement ( usually cure ) of anaemia after splenectomy. 

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Molecular defects and pathogenesis 

A genetic mutation resulting in  abnormality of the cytoskeletal protein; spectrin will cause 

excessive leakiness of the cell membrane to cat-ions (Na & K ) »» Hyperactivity of Na-K 

pump »» excessine utilization of glucose & O2 ( hypermetabolism )….. In the spleen. 

Haematological Featurs 


G6PD Deficiency 

❖  G6PD  normally  provides  reducing  potentials  through  the  production  of  NADPH 

during the conversion of G6P to 6PG in the pentose pathway.  

❖  NADPH neutralizes the effects of H2O2 & other oxidants by reducing them to water. 

Accumulation of intracellular oxidants will damage the cell through. 

Molecular defects and pathogenesis 

❖  G6PD deficiency results from point mutations affecting G6PD gene on 


– X, mutations will result in isoenzymes that are either: 

•  Unstable. 
•  Reduced catalytic function. 

❖  The pathological effects of the deficiency depends on the residual activity 

of the enzyme: 

•  Activities  of    3-5%  normal  are  sufficient  to  maintain  normal  red  cell 

metabolism under normal conditions but will lead to intravascular haemolysis 

under conditions of extra-oxidant stresses ( infections, drugs & ingestion of 

fava beans ). 

•  Activities lower than 3% are associated with chronic haemolysis.   

Clinical presentation 

❖  Neonatal jaundice 
❖  Chronic haemolytic anaemia ( rare presentation ) 

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❖  Most individuals with G6PD deficiency are asymptomatic unless exposed to oxidant 

stresses,  such  as  infections,  drugs  and  fava  beans  ingestion,  the  latter  is  called 

Favisim  where  there  will  be  a  sudden  bout  of  intravascular  haemolysis 

characterized by: 


Haematological  &other Lab. Features 

❖  Normoch. Normocytic anaemia  

with contracted &blister cells. 

❖  Heinz bodies formation. 
❖  Marked reticulocytosis. 
❖  haemoglobinaemia, & Hb-uria. 
❖  Indirect hyperbilirubinaemia. 
❖  Demonstration of G6PD deficiency: 

•  Screening tests ( MRT) 
•  Enzyme assay 






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