مواضيع المحاضرة: illustration by films for UT diseases&anomalies

Urinary tract imaging

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Mega ureter

*Retrocaval ureter (right ureter ) behind inferior vena cava.
urinary tract imaging(films)

*PUJ obstruction

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Duplication of the right kidney

urinary tract imaging(films)

Horse shoe kidney :-*lower poles fused *low positioned kidneys *parallel to spines.*malrotated medially
urinary tract imaging(films)

*Right kideny is ectopic(presacrally located)&bilateral hydronephrosis.

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Polycystic kidney disease

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Cobra head:-rounded or elliptical dilatation of lower end of ureter with thin lineal filling defect around it with proximal dilatation of the rest of ureter.
urinary tract imaging(films)

Same as previously

urinary tract imaging(films)

:*Ectopia vesica :-bladder located at low position with separartion of symphysis pubis.
urinary tract imaging(films)

*Cobra head: rounded or elliptical dilatation of lower end of ureter with thin lineal filling defect around it with proximal dilatation of the rest of ureter
urinary tract imaging(films)

*Bilateral megaureter

urinary tract imaging(films)

urinary tract imaging(films)

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Ectopic left kidney:-ureter is short (small arrow)

urinary tract imaging(films)

Retrocaval ureter:- (right ureter ) behind inferior vena cava.

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Hydronephrosis + ectopic left kidney

urinary tract imaging(films)

*PUJ obstruction&retrocaval ureter

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Hydronephrosis&ectopic kidney

urinary tract imaging(films)

*PUJ obstruction

urinary tract imaging(films)

Horse shoe kidney :-*lower poles fused *low positioned kidneys *parallel to spines.*malrotated medially
urinary tract imaging(films)

*PUJ obstruction

urinary tract imaging(films)

Horse shoe kidney :-*lower poles fused *low positioned kidneys *parallel to spines.*malrotated medially
urinary tract imaging(films)

*PUJ obstruction

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Duplication of right kidney

urinary tract imaging(films)

*PUJ obstruction

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Duplication (incomplete)

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Bladder shistosmomiasis (calcification most important feature)

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Dilated pelvicalyceal system with filling defect

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Irregular filling defect in P.C.Stumour

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Filling defect in P.C.S :- stone(because it is regular ,if irregularblood clot or tumour .
urinary tract imaging(films)

*Stone in the left kidney
urinary tract imaging(films)

*PUJ obstruction

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Vesico ureteral junction stone on CT

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Stone without hydronephrosis (left) and stone+ hydronephrosis (right) because of dilatation of P.C.S
urinary tract imaging(films)

*Hydronephrosis:-dilated pelvicalyceal system on US

urinary tract imaging(films)

*Phlebolith (arrow):-round lucent centre,,it represents calcified thrombus in pelvic vein.
urinary tract imaging(films)

urinary tract imaging(films)

رفعت المحاضرة من قبل: Ruqaya Falah
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