
Balantidium coli

Balantidium coli
*Primarily a zoonotic intestinal parasite:
Animals that represent a source of infection include Horses, cows, and pigs
The most risky people are farm workers
Symptoms similar to amoebiasis except, No extraintestinal infection


Balantidium is the largest protozoan and only ciliate known to parasitize humans

Balantidium coli

Trophozoite morphology

● 50-150 mic
Ciliated parasite ●
● Oval shape
Greenish yellow color ●
Kidney or bean shape Macronucleus ●
● Small micronucleus
Retractile food vacule ●

Balantidium coli

Cyst morphology

Balantidium coli

45-55 mic ●
● Spherical shape
Cyst wall is thick consist of 1-2 layers ●
No phagosome ●
Macronucleus ●
Contractile vacuoles ●
● No cilia

Balantidium coli

Life cycle & Pathogenicity:

Infection is happened by consumption of material contaminated with feces of some farm animals containing cyst (the infective stage).
Exyst ation occur in the small intestine releasing trophozoites that migrate to the large intestine. Trophozoites reside in the lumen of large intestine Invade mucosa and submucosa.
Feed on mucosal cells, RBC, leukocyte where they divide by transverse binary fission.
Encystation is triggered by dehydration of intestinal content.

Balantidium coli


*Parasite live in L.I specially cecal region
*Cyst formed in large intestine or in outer environment
Clinical signs and symptoms
1- Intermittent periods of diarrhea and constipation
2- Bloody diarrhea
3- Abdominal pain
4- Anorexia
5- Ulceration of large intestine
6- Tender colon
7- Cachexia
8- Gangrenous lesions could occur
1. History: if there any animal contact.
2. Symptoms
Clinical signs could confused by E. histolytica infection
3. Laboratory tests: finding the typical trophozoites and cysts in the stool

Diagnosis cont…..
Laboratory methods to detect (cyst or trophozoite) in stool by ●
Direct wet mount preparation method●
● Stained smear by iodine
● Looking for characteristic kidney shape nucleus and retractile food vacule

Prevention & control

Avoid ingestion of food and drinks contaminated by animal feces


1. Tetracycline
2. Iodoquinol
3. Metronidazole

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