
White blood cells count

Abdulqadir Kh.Hamad
M.Sc. Medical Biology

University of Ishik

Faculty of dentistry
Practical Medical Physiology
2th stage

• White blood cells or leukocytes are cells of the immune system which defend the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials.
• Whenever a infectious agent enters the body the white blood cells have a variety of ways by which they can attack. Some will produce protective antibodies that will overpower the pathogen. Others will surround and engulf the pathogen.
• Several different and diverse types of leukocytes exist, but they are all produced and derived from a multipotent cell in the bone marrow known as a hematopoietic stem cell.

total leukocyte counts

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
• Leukocytes are found throughout the body, including the blood, tissues and lymphatic system.
• The name "White Blood Cell" derives from the fact that after centrifugation of a blood sample, the white cells are found in the Buffy coat, a thin layer of nucleated cells between the sedimented red blood cells and the blood plasma, which is typically white in color. The scientific term leukocyte directly reflects this description, derived from Greek leuko - white, and cyte - cell.

total leukocyte counts

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)

White blood cell count (WBC) is the total number of leukocytes in a volume of blood, expressed as thousands/µl.
Total WBC count can be done by manual methods or by automated cell counters.

Normal Values

White blood cell count
Adult: 4500–10,500/mm3 or 4.5–10.5 x 103/μl
Child 6–12 years: 4500–13,500/mm3 or 4.5–13.5 x 103/μl
Child 2–6 years: 5000–15,500/mm3 or 5.0–15.5 x 103/μl
Child < 2 weeks: 5000–21,000/mm3 or 5.0–21.0 x 103/μl

Leukocytosis is a condition characterized by an elevated number of white cells in the blood. Such as in case :
appendicitis, bacterial infections, burns, cholera

Leukopenia is a condition characterized by a decreased number of white cells in the blood such as in case :
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), anemia.


Its composed of a thick glass slide and a cover slide.
In the center of the slide, there is an H- shaped groove
The surface of the chamber contains two counting ruled areas
The distance between the bottom of the coverslip and the surface of the counting area of the chamber is 0.1 mm

total leukocyte counts

total leukocyte counts


total leukocyte counts

• The whole counting area is divided into 9 big squares.
• Each square is 1mm
long and 1mm wide.
• The four corner
squares are used
for WBC counting.

total leukocyte counts

• Procedure

Collect blood sample
Put 0.38 ml of WBC Diluting Fluid in to test tube
Add 0.02 ml of blood to the solution by Micropipette or Hb pipette. let for 2 minute to allow RBC to hemolyze
Mount the cover slide on the chamber after moistening the 2 raised edge.
Aspirate the diluted blood with a non-heparinized capillary tube
Carefully charge hemacytometer with diluted blood by gently touching sides of coverslip to expel contents until chamber is properly filled.

• Procedure

8. Under 10 x magnifications, leukocytes are counted in all 4 corner large squares of counting chamber.

9. Count cells starting in the upper left. Move to the upper right corner square.

Depth= 0.1 mm
Correction for dilution:
Dilution 1:20
Dilution factor 20
Correction of volume:
Volume of 1small square = 1x1x0.1= 0.1mm3
Volume of 4 large squares = 4x0.1= 0.4 mm3 or μL


total leukocyte counts

total leukocyte counts


Chernecky & Berger: Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures, 5th ed.

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