Anatomy Lecture
Upper Limb NervesPart I
Dr. Rana Al-tae
Brachial Plexus
Ron Taylor Drinks Cold BertukalRoots
Erb’s Palsy (Upper trunk injury)
Klumpke’s palsy (Lower trunk injury)
Winged Scapula ( long thoracic n. injury)
Saturday night palsy (Radial n. injury)
Axillary Nerve
Has a close relation to the 3rd part of the axillary artery.Pass through Quadrangular space.
Divide into ant. & post. Branches.
The ant. branch accompany the post. circumf. humeral a. and ends by supplying the Deltoid m.
The post branch supplies deltoid & teres minor mm.
Becomes upper lat. cut. n. of the Arm.
It gives articular branch to the shoulder j.
Injury will cause loss of shoulder contour and appearance of the greater tubercle & loss of shoulder Abduction.
Note: Initiation of the abd. is by supraspinatus m. but then completed by the deltoid which is the main abductor.
Musculocutaneous nerve
In axilla has close relation to the 3rd part of axillary artery.Peirce Coracobrachialis muscle.
Then btw. Biceps & Brachialis mm.
Then on lat. side of biceps tendon.
Supplies BBC & elbow j.
Above the elbow bend it becomes lat. cut. n. of the forearm.