
Floppy baby

د . اثل اطفال خامس

Floppy infant refers to those children presenting with generalized hypotonia, most often arising out of an insult occurred during fetal or neonatal period.

Presenting Feature

Abnormal posture
Diminished resistance to passive movement & abnormal range of joint movement
Delay in motor milestone
The floppy infant assumes a frog legged position.
On ventral suspension, the baby can not maintain limb posture against gravity and assumes the position of a rag doll.





The muscles appear flabby. There is diminished resistance to passive movement of the limbs and the range of movement of the peripheral joints is increased.
Scarf Sign:
Put the child in a supine position and hold one of the infant’s hands. Try to put it around the neck as far as possible around the opposite shoulder. Observe how far the elbow goes across the body. In a floppy infant, the elbow easily crosses the midline.


Delay in motor milestone

Pull to sit
When pulled up from the supine to the sitting position, the head of the baby lags.


Approach to Neonatal Immobility:

Hx. :
Prenatal: infection,movement of fetus in utero, drug intake by mother during pregnancy or labour e.g. Mg sulfate, benzodiazepines, anasthesia.
Perinatal: birth injury, asphyxia.
Postnatal: prematurity, fit, jaundice, CNS infection .

Examination :
General: dymorphic features(Down), HSM, observe the strength of crying, eye for cataract.
Awareness of the baby: bright eyes, follow object, smile  cortical intact.
Light response, response to bell & tactile.
Gag & corneal reflex.
Position of the limbs.

If the clinical exam. doesn't settle the question then EEG will be helpful


Sever slowing of

Sever slowing of
Normal EEG
Normal EEG
Normal EEG

Cerebral disease
Cerebral disease
Spinal cord dis. or
neuromuscular dis.

Spinal cord dis. or

neuromuscular dis.

Floppy Baby

FB + major weakness
FB without major weakness
Awareness intact
Awareness not intact

Floppy Baby

FB + major weakness
FB without major weakness
Awareness intact
Awareness not intact

Floppy baby with weakness:

Awareness not intact (central depression):
Severe brain illness: as infection,metabolic…
Intoxication through mother: as barbiturate, general anasthesia…
Metabolic abnormalities: as hypoglycemia, kernicterus…

Characterized by:
Baby not alert.
Normal or increase DTR.
Weak cry.
+/- seizure.
Awareness Intact:
Spinal cord lesion: as tumor, trauma, infection, malformation ...
Anterior horn cell disease: as SMA, polio …
Peripheral neuropathy: as GBS, toxins as lead, drugs…
Neuromuscular junction: as mysthenia gravis, botulism, aminoglycoside.
Muscle disease: as congenital muscle dystrophy, GSD…
Floppy baby with no weakness:
Characterized by:
They appear to move well if they are supine but floppy when handled in prone position.
They will be like inverted U- shape.
Delay mile stones.

Acute systemic illness.

Mental retardation: as
Down syndrome( a)
Prader-willi syndrome(b)
Connective tissue disorder:
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Marfan syndrome
Nutritional-metabolic disease:
Celiac disease
Benign congenital hypotonia:
Exhibit the condition at 6-12 months.
Delayed gross motor milestone.
Normal social , intelligence , fine motor movement.
Head lag , slip-through ventral suspension.
Complete lab. investigation are necessary, it is often unrevealing.
Most of children become normal by 3 yrs.
F.Hx. often +ve.

SERUM ENZYMES: The CK level is characteristically elevated in certain diseases, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and the magnitude of increase is characteristic for particular diseases.
MOLECULAR GENETIC MARKERS: Many DNA markers of hereditary myopathies and neuropathies are available from blood samples.
ELECTROMYOGRAPHY (EMG): Characteristic EMG patterns distinguish denervation from myopathic involvement.
IMAGING OF MUSCLE: Imaging of muscle using ultrasonography, CT scans, and MRI are used in many neuromuscular diseases.
MUSCLE BIOPSY: The muscle biopsy is the most important and specific diagnostic study of most neuromuscular disorders.
TEST OF IEM (serum & urine chromatography)
ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY (ECG): Cardiac evaluation is important if myopathy is suspected because of involvement of the heart in muscular dystrophies and in inflammatory and metabolic myopathies.


Ataxia is the inability to make smooth, accurate, and coordinated movements,It is either acute or chronic.
Usual symptoms are broad-based unsteady gait & tremor , that worsen by intentional movement of limbs (dysmetria).
Defect in:
Cerebellum and cerebellar pathways.
PN lesion causing loss of proprioception.
Bilateral frontal lobe lesions
Etiology of acute ataxia:
Post infectious : direct viral or autoimune as chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis ,URTI.
Drug intoxication : as carbamazepine, phenytoin, alcohol..
Tumors of posterior fossa: medulloblastoma , ependymoma.
IEM: urea cycle defect , maple syrup urine.
Labyrinthine dysfunction.

Movement Disorders
Movement disorders or dyskinesias include abnormal excessive, exaggerated, chaotic, or explosive movements of voluntary muscles. They are generally the result of abnormalities of the extrapyramidal system or the basal ganglia and its connections.
Symptoms may be one of two types:
Bradykinesia and hypokinesia: describe the slow gait, halting speech patterns, apparent inactivity, and paucity of facial expression .

Hyperkinetic: excessive involuntary movement that are activated by stress and fatigue and often disappear in sleep as chorea, athetosis, tremor…

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المشاهدات: لقد قام 13 عضواً و 212 زائراً بقراءة هذه المحاضرة

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