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Invertebrate animals with jointed legs and
segmented body which is covered by hard
keratinized exoskeleton , it has a single body cavity
( haemocoel ) which is filled with haemolymph in
which internal organs float
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Arthropoda is the largest group of the animal
Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and
metamerically segmented
Sexes are usually separate with sexual
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Jo in t e d le g s
Co mpo un d e ye
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Co mpo un d e ye in d e t ails
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Feeding –complete digestive tract
Internal transport –open circulatory
system w/ dorsal heart
Respiration –varied
Excretion –varied
Nervous system –brain + ventral nerve
cord sense organs (sight, smell,
hearing, balance, taste, touch, etc.)
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Reproduction –sexes separate
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Numerous species of Arthropods play a role in
human health. Most of these are as vectors of
different pathogens such vectors have been dealt
with the specific pathogen.
There are also a number of Arthropods that cause
harm due to their Venom but are not really
parasitic .
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1–Class 1 :Hexapoda or Insecta : which includes
insects like flies , fleas ,lice , bugs and the
mosquitoes (Anopheles –Malaria and Culex –
Filaria ).
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2 –Class 2: Arachnid : includes Ticks ,Scorpions ,
Spiders and Mites .
Black widow spider
Spider s
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Tarantula spider
Largest spider
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Dust mites do not feed on blood but the dead
skin cells in the dust.
Some live creating burrows in our skin causing
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3 –Class 3: Crustacea includes Crabs , Water fleas
(Cyclops) the intermediate hosts of some
helminthes .
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The science which deals with the study of
medically important insects and Arthropods .
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The insects are tracheate arthropoda with the body
divided in to 3 parts : Head , Thorax and Abdomen
with 3 pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings in
winged insects .
We will deal with Arthropods that are parasitic to
and cause diseases in man
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Myiasis means ( burial of larvae in tissue) is
obligatory step in the life cycle of some flies and
incidental for others .
Ectoparasites that cause myiasis are Cochliomyia ,
(Screw worm fly ) ,Calliphora , Osterus ,
Sarcophaga , Gastrophilus , Fleas , Mites and etc..
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Myiasis m ay be cutaneous , ar terial ,intestinal or ur inar y in
nor mal tissue or in pr e –existing w ounds aided by ot her
infections , lar vae can bur r ow thr ough necr otic or healthy
tissue using their mandibular hooks aided by t heir
pr oteolytic enzym es .
They cause m echanical damage and t he affected area is a
site of secondar y infection , most ly in childr en .
Cutaneous m yiasis m ay r equir e sur gical r emoval of
bar r ow ed lar vae .
Eggs and m aggots may be w ashed fr om hair ,skin and
wounds w ith soap and w at er . Ur inary m yiasis usually clear s
it self . Pur gat ion w ith ant ihelm inths m ay be necessary for
gastr oint est inal myiasis .
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-Three types of lice are important for human health
Pediculus humanus capitis ( Head louse ).
Pediculus humanus humanus ( Body louse ) .
Phthirius pubis (Crab louse or pubic louse ) .
Lice spend all of their life on one very specific host
and both male and female feed blood and leave one
host only to transfer to another .
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In the developed world , 2-10% of children are
infected with head lice .
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The life cycle of the head louse has three stages :
Egg , Nymph and Adult .
Eggs or Nits : Nits are head lice eggs . They are
hard to see and are often confused for dandruff or
hair spray droplets .
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Nits are laid by the adult female and are cemented
at the base of the hair shaft nearest the scalp .
They are o.8 mm. by 0.3mm , oval and usually
yellow to white . Nits take about 1week to hatch
(range 6 to 9 days ) . Viable eggs are usually located
with in 6 mm of the scalp .
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The egg hatches releasing a nymph . The nit shell
then becomes a more visible dull yellow and
remains attached to the hair shaft .
The nymph looks like an adult head louse ,but is
about the size of a pin head . Nymph mature after
three molts and become adults about 7 days after
hatching .
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The adult louse is about the size of Sesame seeds ,
has 6 legs ( each with claws ) and is tan to grayish –
white . In persons with dark hair , the adult louse
will appear darker .
Females lay up to 8 nits per day . Females are
usually larger than males . Adult lice can live up to
30 days on a persons head .
To live , adult lice need to feed on blood meals
several times daily, Without blood meals , the louse
will die with in 1 -2 days off the host .
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Light infestations cause moderate itching of the
scalp due to sensitizations to louse saliva .
Heavy infestations may result in fever ,aches,
anemia, weakness ,paleness and secondary
infections .
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Diagnosis is based on finding live lice or egg shells
(Nits measuring 0.8 x 0.3 mm.) attached to hair
,often behind ears .
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Treatment using topical applications of soothing
lotions relives irritation .
Wash hair with shampoo containing ( 1% Benzene
hexachloride ).
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Application of a mixture of pyrentins 0.2% and
pipronyl butoxide 2% or copper oleate may be as
effective and less toxic than Benzene hexachloride
or use medical shampoo.
Cleaning ,Washing ,Dressing ,cutting and shorting
the hair as much as you can is the best way to
control and prevent the lice infestations.
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Body louse is similar to the head louse except
that it is found on the body and clothes .
Diagnosis is based on finding eggs or nits in
seams of clothing .
Symptoms and treatment are the same as those
of head louse
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Pubic lice also known as Crab lice infested widely –
spaced coarse hair in pubic area in adults or
eyelashes in children . Transmission in adults is
usually by sexual contact .
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Diagnosis is based on finding lice or nits in the
infested area . Crab lice may be difficult to see at
the base of the hair .
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Treatment : pubic area is treated in the same
manner as infested head . Nits and lice may be
removed from eyelashes with forceps.
Ointments with physostigmine 0.25 % or yellow
mercury oxide are effective
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Most fleas are of clinical significance to man
because they are vectors for other parasites
.However, the jigger flea or chigoe ( Tunga
penetrans) is a serious pest in the tropical and
subtropical regions of the Americas and Africa.
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Bot h sexes feed on blood .The female fleas after
inseminat ion, b urrows it self in t he skin of the toes
and sole of t he foot. The fem ale sw ells t o the size
of a pea , produces eggs and dies in the tissue.
There is local reaction t o t he b ite and t he eggs and
dead flea pro duce r eaction.
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The infested tissue can get infected and
gangrenous auto- imputation is common .
Treatments are symptomatic , infestation may be
removed physically, secondary infections are
treated appropriately . Wear shoes in infested
area ..
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Scabies mite ( Sarcoptis scabies ) is the cause of
scabies and is distributed world-wide .
Epidemics of the disease may occur in long periods
but mites may be common at all times in very poor
communities with inadequate washing facilities.
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The mit e t ransmitt ed by cont act burro ws in t he
skin on the w ebbing side of finger ,later spreading
to t he wrists ,elbows and the rest of t he body. The
but tocks , wo men s b reast s and external genitalia
may be involved , the scrotum in the male .
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The mite tunnels itself through the upper layer of
the skin depositing eggs . Larvae escape the tunnel
and wander on the skin and start new burrows and
mature there to continue the cycle .
Scabies itch is due to the sensitization of the
patient to the mite and eggs and is
characteristically nocturnal. Septic pustules may
Develop after scratching ,if the hygiene is poor .
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is made by characteristic rash ,
smearing black ink on the skin and observing
burrows when ink is wiped .
Microscopic examination of the skin scraping
show mites .
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involves swabbing of the whole body
from neck down with 1 % Malathion or Benzene
hexachloride ( Crotamiton for infants) .
Topical steroids must not be used. If possible the
whole family should be treated .
Contact with infested person should be avoided.
Clothes should be washed in boiled water .
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The chigger s or r ed –bugs ( Tr om biculidae ) are an
import ant gr oup of ectopar asit es affecting hum ans . They
att ach to the skin in t he ankles , w aistline, ar m pits and
perianal skin fr om long gr assy envir onment .
These m ites do not feed on blood but on par tially digested
cells due t o r eaction of t heir saline wit h host t issue.
The host reacts t o m outh part s and saliva of t he mite. The
bite causes severe ir r itat ion and sometim es fever .
Tr eatm ent w ith local anest het ic is useful insect r epellent s
may be effect ive in avoiding chigger bites.
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